6~Scrambling to Protect~

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Biana knocked on Havenfield's door, holding Sofia's hand tight. Sofia was back to her usual self and was excited for the Celestial festival tonight. Biana heard Edaline creak open the door and smile at Biana. Edaline's amber hair was tied in a messy bun, and her turquoise eyes seem to be deflated with color. They still had trouble with Sophie, even three years later.

"Biana and Sofia, please come in," Edaline said. After Sophie died, her adoptive parents become outsiders again, barely ever seen outside Havenfield, and they seemed small and empty. Sofia made her way inside, running up and hugging Grady, who walked in from the kitchen. Grady laughed and hugged Sofia back, and handed her a pastry that he was holding. The Ruewens loved to Sofia and welcomed her over any time.

"To what do we owe this pleasure?" Edaline asked, dusting off her hands on her apron.

"Well, this little one had a hard time picking out a dress, and I recommended your amazing collection. And well..." Biana trailed off.

"What?" Grady asked, Sofia holding onto his leg as he walked over. Biana leaned in and whispered to the two of them.

"She learned who she was named after," Biana said quietly. The Ruewens blanched and averted their eyes. Sofia noticed everyone get quiet, and she pulled on Edaline's sleeve.

"You don't have to talk about her if you don't want. I understand she makes you sad." Sofia said quietly. Edaline smiled and picked up Sofia.

"She doesn't make us sad; it is just that we miss her a lot. But thank you for not making us talk about her, it is tough for us." Edaline said, pinching Sofia's cheek.

"We were hoping we could get a look at some of your dresses for tonight's festival?" Biana asked.

"Funny you say that Linh was wondering the same thing! She is already in the closet looking at the dresses, so you are going to have to accompany her." Edaline said. Biana grinned when she heard Linh was here; she was her only other girl best friend since Sophie.

"Okay, thanks-"

"Let's go, let's go!" Sofia said, tugging on Biana's arm. The two girls walked towards the closet, talking about which dress they each wanted to wear.

"Bia? Is that you?" Linh asked, poking her head out from the closet. Biana crushed Linh in a hug, followed by Sofia.

"Great minds think alike, huh?" Linh said, pointing her thumb to the dresses. Biana nodded and browsed through the dresses, Sofia looking at the smaller ones Edaline had stored away.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Lihn asked, pulling out a silver dress and examining it.

"Yeah, I do. It has been a little... depressing the last couple of days, and I think the festival will cheer everybody up!" Biana said excitedly. Linh nodded, her cropped hair bobbing up and down. Linh now rocked a shoulder-length bob, though the tips of her hair were still dyed silver.

"If you are going then so am I! It is going to be fun!" Linh said, spotting a small purple dress and handing it to Sofia. Sofia screeched and rushed into the bathroom to change.

"It better be, or else I'm lodging a formal complaint," Biana said annoyed. Linh, let out a big laugh and browsed with Biana.

Fun. This was going to be fun!



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