33~Hiding Away~

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Biana POV

When they left for the mission, Biana and her friends were smart enough to bring hooded cloaks on their retrieval mission of the book, so they hid their faces underneath their heavy hoods. Still, even then, the few Inalians awake at the time eyed the group suspiciously, a mass of hooded figures isn't exactly inconspicuous. Biana held onto Fitz, making him invisible, while the others followed Alvar close on his heels. Biana marveled at the breathtaking architecture, smells and sounds from people starting to wake up and begin their morning chores.

"This is where Sophie grew up?!" Biana whispered to Tam. Tam was wearing the same face of wonder as they walked through the streets.

The sight of the early dawn sun glittering on the tile and marble roofs wanted to make her climb up a building at collapse on the roof, admiring the beautiful city from a higher view. Suddenly, they stopped in front of a large white stone building, flowers and vines growing between the cracks of the rocks, the door, and windows lined in dark wood and securely locked. Above the door etched in the same dark wood was a language Biana couldn't figure out. But it seemed to look almost like a boutique by the looks of it and the exquisite dresses and outfits inside.

Alvar knocked on the door and someone padded down the stairs and towards the door, unlocking the many locks. An older woman popped her head out, and Biana sputtered after seeing how beautiful this woman was. Her skin had a sun-kissed glow to it, similar to Sophie's skin tone, and her hair was the color of deep rich chocolate, it sitting in beautiful curls that ended at her collar bone. Her eyes glittered a dark swirling blue, almost like a neverending ocean within her eyes, speckled with gold. She looked at Alvar, annoyed at waking her up so early, and grumbled out in a tired voice.


"I need a tie," Alvar sighed, slightly pointing his head towards the group of hidden elves behind him. The woman seemed to just notice the group behind him, and she didn't miss a beat before opening the door wider and looking both ways down the street, looking at the empty roads,

"Quickly," She whispered as she opened the door for the group. Alvar strode in, everyone close at his heels, and the woman locked the door behind them and closed the curtains in the shop.

"You need a tie?" Keefe whispered.

"It is just a saying, it means that we need to hide out," Alvar whispered back.


"Alvar, by the gods, it is six in the morning, who the hell do you need to stow away at this time of the day?" The woman snapped.

"Uh, well, my old friends..." Alvar chuckled, gesturing to everyone behind him. Everyone slowly took down their hoods, and the woman's eyes widened at the sight of them.

"Oh," She whispered.

"We went to retrieve something and they were there to take it too. They helped us fight off the Neverseen -"

"Alvar, when was all of this?" The woman asked, still confused. Alvar explained his side of the story, how they had to leave quickly without warning the guild to get there in time, and that the rest are finishing up everything. The woman sighed and nodded, looking at the clock.

"Okay, okay, I see..." The woman sighed. She turned her attention to the group and her face dropped the cold facade.

"Hello, I am Maria, my niece talks about you all the time. I think I can even name all of you just based on what she explained to me." Maria then continued to list off every one of them with no hesitation.

"Wow, that's impressive. But, who is your niece?" Keefe asked.

"My niece is Ama- what do you all call her? Sophie? Sophie Foster?" Maria trailed off, thinking of the name.

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