18~A Hallucination and the Little Stand~

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BTW- There is some french in here, but I am trash at french. I did my best translating it, but I am not the most fluent... I still have a lot to learn...

Don't start the music until it cues in story!


Paced under the Inalian moonlight, keeping his eye on the distance. Ruy knew Sophie, and he knew that she was probably putting Lilac to sleep and such, but he still was anxious.

"I'll go get her." Ruy decided, getting onto his dark brown horse. The horse whinnied and galloped into the countryside, following the cobblestone road. The Villa entered in his vision, and he sighed in relief when he saw the lights on in Lilac's room. So Sophie was putting her to bed.

"Okay, let's head back-" A cold wind and howling flushed over Ruy, rustling his black cloak and pulling down his hood. It was a perfectly warm Inalian night in spring; there shouldn't be any breezes like this.

"What the-" Ruy's horse whinnied and started panicking, bucking Ruy off. Ruy flew into the soft dirt and watched as his horse galloped away. Ruy groaned as he pulled himself off the ground, the wind chilling his core. The howls of the wind sounded like cries of people, the coldness breaking into Ruy's warm tan skin. Ruy felt his knees go weak, and he collapsed onto his knees, all of his breath knocked out of him. Ruy tried to breathe, but all that came out were stuttering coughs. Ruy pulled away his hand and saw he was coughing up blood. Ruy's mind whirred and panicked. His mind was bringing up all of his worst memories like the wind was sucking out all of Ruy's soul. Ruy saw images of his childhood flash in his head.

His mother repeatedly hitting him for breaking a dish.

Sitting all alone in the cold barracks.

Only being allowed to train, never being allowed to play with other kids.

Memories and feelings of despair, terror, and hopelessness over ran Ruy, filling his veins and shaking his head.

"Stop, please gods stop..." Ruy whimpered, putting his head in his hands. Ruy felt a chill right behind his left shoulder, and someone leans into his ear. But it wasn't like when Sophie did it with her shade powers to mess with him; it was like he was in a thick vortex of pain, death, and darkness.

"You have grown up well, son-" a grave voice whispered in his ear. All of a sudden, the wind and vortex were gone, and Ruy slowly regained feeling and strength in his limbs. Even then, Ruy stayed on his knees, panting and blinking away the tears in his eyes. Ruy's breathe came out fast, Ruy starting to hyperventilate. His hair was wild, and his azure eyes were small and panicked.

"Wha-wh, how?" Ruy asked, glancing around for any sign of the vortex of wind. Everything was quiet, showing no sign of any movement.

"A hallucination?" Ruy asked himself, his voice hoarse. Ruy glanced and his hands, and saw they were still bloody from when he couldn't breathe. It couldn't be a hallucination if he had real blood on his hands. Ruy remained huddled on the ground for another 5 minutes, before feeling confident to get onto his feet again. 

Even from far away, Ruy could feel the warmth of the Villa, and he just needed something right. Not sure what, but something. Ruy ran over to the Villa at top speeds, not even bothering to catch his breath. He leaned against the wall right outside the kitchen and tried to calm down his racing heart. How could that have been a hallucination? Ruy has blood all over his hands! But it was gone as fast as it came. One thought his Ruy like a pile of bricks to the face as he washed off the blood on his hands and ran through his hair with his fingers, trying to stop his shaking body.

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