32~Never Alone~

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Sophie came down in a human college hoodie and black sweat pants, not bothering to deal with a corset or proper public Inalian appearance. She just needed clothing, and her human clothes were extremely comfortable. Sophie walked into Sanaa already explaining the details to Ruy.

"It is called 'The Hollow Souls of the Forgotten Animals'" Sanaa explained, pointing to a hazy picture she drew of a large book.

"Long ago, my friend wrote this book about the Mirthless. He was one of the most famous professors at the Vatarians colleges and an expert on Mirthless and Vatarians. He sadly past away, and all of his research was passed to his children. But his daughter, the reckless renegade that she is, lost a large amount of the research after she forgot to properly lock down her house. He had several important books and tomes, but his most prized was that one book. I have gone half-mad trying to find them, and then it turns out your friends found the book in a school called Exuillium?" Ruy scowled at the name of the school, remembering his time at the school. Sophie remembered that he was exiled a while ago, just because of his mother, and he was forced to attend that school for years.

He never liked to talk about it.

"They are planning to steal it at the crack of dawn. The minute the sun rises, they will be cut off by the Neverseen. They think the Neverseen is clueless about their plan." Sanaa sighed. Sophie quickly glanced at the wall clock, a tacky cookoo clock her father got because of how stupid it looked and he couldn't stop laughing at it, and noticed that sunrise is only an hour away.

"Sanaa, how did you learn about all this?" Sophie asked, glancing over all her tomes and books, in-depth plans and notes written in the margins.

"Oh, I bugged their imparters, I saw them as they were watching your execution with terror on their faces," Sanaa replied. Ruy looked at Sanaa wide-eyed, still terrified by her zero bother at the idea of invading someone's privacy like that, but Sophie just pinched the bridge of her nose, already used to Sanaa's crazy. So her old friends new she was still running around, great.

"Okay, we will talk about that later, why are you bringing this privately to me? This should be brought to the guild if the Neverseen are planning an attack-"

"Amalia, think logically. I know you want to try to catch your breath, but there is no time. Besides, after a high-risk rescue mission to save your butt, your Assassins take a large time to recover. And, do you think they would be excited to go and save the elves again? Just like the elves, they are tired and trying to figure things out." Sanaa asked. Sophie met eyes with Ruy, whos eyes said everything she needed to hear.

Sophie sighed and leaned over the table.

"What can I do though? Though Ruy and I are highly trained, we have no idea what the Neverseen are going to be doing. There is not much we can do in such a short amount of time." Sophie reasoned.

"I know Alvar will be on board, his siblings are going to be at this mission, and he is going to do everything he can to protect them. Plus, Mansi absolutely fell in love with Biana after talking with her for the night, so Mansi will definitely come aswell." Ruy reasoned, running a hand through his messy black hair.

"Alexios will be on board as well, not really to protect the elves but at the idea of ancient books filled with powerful and breathtaking knowledge? He will go to the end fo the earth for that, he is a huge nerd." Sophie sighed.

"So are you. You have a library built into your house." Ruy noted.

"Yeah, but I read fiction. Also known as, the fun books."

"There are a lot of nonfiction books that are-"

"Would you two shut up!? Focus!" Sanaa snapped. Sophie and Ruy met eyes, setting aside their conversation for another time, and focused on the task at hand. So Ruy, Alexios, Alvar, and Mansi would be on board, but no word on Nour.

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