Chapter 57

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Title: Banquet of the Strongest

Gray had returned to Z City with a new vendetta, he passed empty homes with turned over trash cans, destroyed cars and finally found an old store. He looked inside and found a large hole, once he got in he leapt down and landed inside this large tunnel, not long after cold wind hit his face.

Gyoro Gyoro was alerted by something, specifically someone wandering in one of the paths. "There's an intruder in path A-8... it's no machine, so it must be a Monster.... no, it might be an Association spy, that wouldn't make sense either. Acting on your own would be reckless. The decisive battle is close, so I cannot thread lightly and verify this threat, thanks to my Super Spirit Sensing, I have a decent approximation their location.", he turned his head up. "Hey, nocturnal foot soldiers, something has entered our base again. Go and give them a nice welcome if it's a Monster and guide them here... if not, do whatever."

Hero Association HQ

Rikin held his head, shaking like he was in an earthquake, he was currently under stress because well... his private squad hasn't returned. "I remember explicitly telling Commander Tsukauchi to contact me at least every two hours... but I've been waiting an entire night! My personal squadron of the highest personnel equipped with advanced firearms, did the operation fail? Were they annihilated? Could they have been taken down that easily? When the Heroes make their move... will it be the exact same?!"

"Mr. Rikin, I see you haven't gotten any rest.", Sekingar walked in the room, well rested, and ready for the day. "I suggest you go to the break room and rest."

"Sekingar... my elite forces has been wiped out. It's terrifying... this situation has turned dire.", Rikin said as he got up, drenched in sweat. "At this rate we'll wiped out!"

"Fear not. I told you already did I not? We will rescue your daughter without failure, please, have faith in the Hero Association.", he said with his stern expression.

"Do you really think we have a chance? What about Metal Bat? Isn't he an S Class Hero, yet he got beaten.", Sekingar said with a shaky tone as he walked over to him. "I have no basis upon to believe you people, so you are just trying to act tough aren't you?", he grabbed his collar panting. "P-Please... my daughter... I have no one else to rely upon, if it's money I'll give you as much as you want! So please! If it means I get to see my daughter again in good health, if it's for my daughter I'll throw my entire fortune at the Hero Association!", Rikin said before he heard some footsteps.

"We don't need your money.", a familiar monotone voice said with a distaste at the idea. "The only ones you can entice with money are those whose power is weaker than money itself, in the fight against Monsters, people like that is less than garbage."

"Exactly! Those who have the unrelenting courage to face evil can stand on the battle field!", a familiar buff black man said. "I think that's what you were trying to say, right FlashStep?"

"You couldn't be more wrong. At the end of the day, If you're strong, nothing else matters. Your lofty ideals are less than a second option.", the familiar short esper said. "Why don't you leave everything to me?"

"But this time our priority is rescuing a kid right? That's why we're acting in a team? If it was just a usual extermination, I already would've taken my disciples and cut our way into that place.", the swordsman who can cut things into pieces with a slash said.

"Raiding the Monsters hideout with these members, sounds like an easy task, I like it.", the undead hero said smoking his cigarette. "But it just so happens that I've been really eager to crush an organization like this."

"I will do my utmost to bring back the child back safely, and all those beautiful men!", the gay prisoner said putting his hand on his chest. "I swear it on this sweater."

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