Chapter 48

48 1 0

Titled: Depleted

"This is your last chance to surrender Garou, my muzzle follows your every move, so keep in mind I can mow you down into nothing but mincemeat.", Death Baller said as Gray stood straight and wiped the blood off. "Not how you saw this ending, ain't it ? Well that's some tough shit. Everyone here is a an elite hero who's faced death several times, I only brought the fighters who I respect to hunt your ass down!"

Gray chuckled lightly. "Elite you say? Am I the only one who finds that hilarious? I know you're proud of your little squad but I call bullshit. Where are the S Class Heroes huh? Doesn't the Hero Association understand how dangerous I am? I'm a Monster just begging for a fight! So it's a let down to fight such bargain basement do gooders in Halloween costumes are fighting.", he said as he just grinned wildly.

"So you're obsessed with S Class too huh?", Death Baller said as Gray just looked at him annoyed. "They seem immensely popular for a reason, and the Hero Association treats them like royalty, they even receive top briefings that we don't get.... so why are Heroes treated so differently.", Death Baller said as he clenched his fist. "The ranking system creates a hierarchy, and many heroes of the merit remain unrecognized. S Class Heroes specialize in battle, so they get the spotlight whenever there's a threat of Monsters. I'm going to show the world that S Class Heroes aren't so spectacular. So someone like you, who's defeated S Class Heroes and attracted attention is the perfect target.", the Class A Rank 7 Hero said pointing his Gatling gun at him.

"So... in other words you didn't include any S Class so you could get all the credit, I get that... buutttt imagine a child hearing that. Wouldn't they be disappointed?", Gray said as he could feel himself getting sluggish more and more. "I'm having trouble breathing.... I'm getting dizzy... the poison must be kicking in.", he then proceeded to let out a fake laugh. "With the Monster Association kicking your hero teeth in, are you sure you should be waiting your valuable time on me? Shouldn't you be saving that hostage instead?"

"The Monster Association is next on the chopping block, so yes, we intend to disrupt their plans.", Death Baller said as Gray just got the image of him walking up the longest flight of stairs that just took weird turns and curves.

"These guys are just a test on my long winding path on becoming a true monster.... I won't back down, not here and not now!", Gray said as he growled a bit before flipped over the Kendama ball then dodged the blunt edge of the sickle, he then back flipped away from the incoming arrows before they stopped.

"The Poison should be taking effect, I doubt he'll last much longer.", Death Baller said as Gray continued panting.

Did you watch Justice man yesterday? Yeah he showed off a new move, 'Justice Fire Kick'! It was so cool! Said three children that were nothing but black shadows with white eyes and red smiles The was Crab Demon died was hilarious! And it's reaction to when Justice Man couldn't spare his eggs!

But Crab Demon almost survived! Crab Demon could've beaten Justice Man if Mach Woman and Kid Justice weren't there! But the fight was a three against one! But the fight was practically even! said the younger version of Gray... he looked so much different as a child

Huh? You were rooting for Crab Demon?

Because all he wanted was to save the ocean! He fought all alone against the heroes to just protect it! If he had been a little bit stronger he could've won...

He must've felt so disappointed...

Gray was snapped back into the present with a determined look in his eyes, causing them to briefly flare yellow, he grinned as others looked around once they heard a thumping sound. But Gray knew what it was, it came from him after borrowing something in Advance. He purposely lost balance by tilting his right ankle.

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