Chapter 6

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Title: Speed

"Dammit.", Moros muttered as he wandered into the same forest as the Paradisers. "I heard they went this way, but it's hard to find them in this damn forest. Maybe I'll look for them tomorrow. Oh hey, cool, there's one.", he said with a little smile looking at Hammerhead.

"The hell's with the get up kid?", Hammerhead asked cocking an eyebrow.

"I'm a hero in training and for personal reasons, I gotta beat you up.", Moros' little smile vanished as he noticed it was one of them. "Oh hey, where's your underl-", he was suddenly decked in the face by Hammerhead.

"Phew, now its a great time to get outta here!", Hammerhead was about to go... before he noticed that the only thing Moros got was a slightly bloody nose.

"Oh man, what a let down.", Moros said with a puppy dog like frown. "The design is horrible and all it does is just increase your strength.", he said disappointed.

"I went through the trouble of stealing this fucking suit! I've always wanted to test out the full power of this anyways! You'll do just fine!", Hammerhead said as his armor grew larger with a more muscular look.

"GREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!", Hammerhead roared out as his arms started spinning around in circular motion quickly. "SPINNING ATTACK!!!",

Moros looked at it, "I remember using this move when I was a little kid.", he smiled in reminiscing his past. Before catching his fist. "This guy... he's just like me, well he's bald but still."

"Who the hell are yo-!", Hammerhead grits his teeth before his suit was blown to pieces, leaving him in his underwear. "W-Wait! I'm sorry! I just didn't want to work!"

Moros smiled softly. "Just stop causing trouble."

"Yo-You're not gonna kill me?" "Just go." "Okay!", Hammerhead ran off, leaving Moros just thinking.

"Disappointed with society... I could've ended up like him.", Moros heard someone else say: "Where's Hammerhead?"

"Oh him. He ran that way, he's almost naked too.", Moros said with a thumbs up, only to catch a kunai. "Hmm?", Moros quickly grabbed a blade. Before breaking it off.  "Dude, are you okay? I'm not with them, cuz I got hair."

"Then why'd you let him escape?" "Because he didn't hurt or kill anyone." "You're a bad liar." "SHUT UP! Gimme a friggin break!" "Your hair looks more like a wig than actual hair."

"WHAT?! Oh c'mon! You could've at least heard of a kid who can-" "Never heard of you.", this news brought a sad look on Moros' face. "Oh..."

"Anywho.", Sokudo said popping his knuckles. "You stopped two of my attacks, now that's the problem. Born in a ninja village, I've honed my skills. But you defeated those moves, my pride won't forgive you. Whoever you are, you're not leaving alive.", Sokudo said as he appeared behind him.

"Cut the shit. You're trying to test yourself, I can see from that childlike smile.", Moros said as Sokudo turned with his 'childlike smile'.

Hammerhead backed away from a figure, "S-Sir! I'm sorry!", he said before getting knocked out. All for One stood over him, his newly healed face grew annoyed.

"Stealing from my clients and then begging for your life is the height of stupidity. They let you go in order to receive field data.", All for One said, assuming the man was dead and walked off.

"Mom... I'll get a job!", Hammerhead thought to himself crying.

Sokudo launches himself at Moros, before colliding with him, he started leaping around from tree to tree in a black blur. "So?! Can you see me?! Can you keep up with my speed?!"

Moros sighed, a bit bored since he's the same level of speed, maybe a bit higher in his human form than him. "Come on dude. Can I go home now?", he turned his head to Sonic who gasped.

"Damn you! WIND BLADE KICK!", Sokudo threw himself at him, only for Moros to dodge and put his fist up. "Check mate.", he said... before he accidentally punched his nuts

"Oh my god! I'm sorry!", Moros said feeling the pain. "That wasn't on purpose, I meant to stop it and well-", Sokudo was dripping sweat and had wide eyes

 "That wasn't on purpose, I meant to stop it and well-", Sokudo was dripping sweat and had wide eyes

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Sokudo had somewhat calmed down by now. "I am an amazing ninja who contracts everything ranging from Assassin to Body Guard, I am Speed O' Sound Sonic! But I will have to postpone work for a while, having found a very worthy opponent in the likes of yourself. I just focus on training. What is your name?", he asked.


Sokudo was still trembling, pointing at him. "Moros! Next time we meet will be your funeral! I, Speed O' Sound Sonic, will destroy you with the Ultimate Ninja Arts!", he said as he disappeared.

"Good luck?", Moros said, rubbing his growing black eye cracks, which most people thought was mascara.


"Nobody knows who I am? ;-;"

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