Capricorn and the pushover

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Happy Sunday ya'll!

Enjoy this next chapter inspired by nothing but a fun day of me and my sister getting lost in the wonders of astrology. 😃

Let me know what you think about it ☺️😁

"Stubborn, determined and ambitious. Capricorn is a stable and confident sign. A natural goal setter who accomplishes a lot when working under definite guidelines.
Unlike many signs, Capricorns aren't likely to fall hard and fast, usually preferring to fall into "friendship" first.
Capricorns can be stubborn and this serves them well as they generally succeed in attaining what they want.
People of this sign often do not know when to leave well-enough alone, and will go great lengths to mold their significant others to be what they believe is the best for them. Although, this in turn, can result in conflict, this sign has a fabulous potential for fulfilling relationships and can achieve them through self-knowledge."

"Yeah, mom, April would be great! Early birthday sounds good; just hope Lynn can join as well," I nodded as I disconnected the phone from the car speakers.

It was Friday afternoon, the third day of Jared being home. Fourth if we count Tuesday evening.

And by being home, I really mean being home. He basically moved into my tiny apartment without a word. He just arrived on Tuesday evening and never left. Only to pick up "my" car from his place urging me to use it again.

I did go to work just as him; he was telling me about the photo shoots and business meetings he attended, the gym he started to go back again to, but for some reason he always came right back to my place.

It's not like I wasn't happy about it.

These last few days were amazing and we adopted to this tiny living situation from the moment he stepped in. Kind of. Some moments I felt like my apartment was way too small for Jared's lifestyle.

Mars merch were all over my living room, peeking out from cardboard boxes. Laptops were all over my kitchen counter, business and stock papers were organized on my coffee table, magazines with Jared's face scattered around the apartment.

This is exactly how his house looked like after a week of me not being around as his assistant, but it looked less intimidating in a bigger space.

As for two people in such a space, it worked out almost good;

I was just shorter enough to do my make up in the bathroom mirror while he was brushing his teeth, laughing it off if some of the toothpaste dropped onto my hair. I mean, he laughed while I elbowed him in the stomach, wrinkling my nose. But that made me find an "amazing" place by my kitchen window where I was able to put my mascara on sitting on the counter while the smell of brewing coffee filled the air.

"Yes, honey, so I will send you the flight details once I bought them," my Mom answered as I unlocked my front door and stepped in.

"Alright," I moaned grabbing the heal of my left converse, dragging it off of my feet.

"Erica is here, do you want to say hi?" she asked.

I rolled my eyes by hearing my stepsister's name as I straightened back up looking towards the kitchen where Jared was standing in only sweatpants and fluffy socks. His hair caressing his wide shoulders and I licked my lips as I watched his muscles on his back move as he worked with his hands.

"I really don't have time, Mom," I stated as I walked more in.

Jared peeked back and sent a small smile, waving me closer.

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