Sunday Kind Of Love

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You awoke to see your boyfriend in front of you as his arms draped your hips in the bed you two share. The light from the window behind you illuminated his face, you push some of his brown locks away from his face to see it better. You let your hands linger in his hair because it's so soft. He eventually starts to stir, and slowly opens his eyes. He sees you already awake in your all if your morning glory as he feels your hands on his bare chest. He gently pulls you closer to his chest, and buried his face into the crook of your bare neck. His hair ticked you and you slightly laugh. You hear him grumble in content and you put your hands to his cheeks. You pull back a bit, so that your bodies are still intertwined in the sheets, but you can see one another.

"Good Morning" you coo
"It is" he answers. He leans to your face but you look away and joke;
"I don't know if you want that. I've got morning breath..."
"Who cares? So do I!" he tells you and you giggle in response

He pushed his lips to yours and share a sweet, compassionate, calm, warm and loving kiss. After a few minutes of staring and quick kisses, you start to climb out of bed. You kiss him quickly as you put on his button-up that was lying on the floor. It goes down to your lower thigh and hangs loosely on your figure. You only have your panties on as you slip out of the room before he gets the chance to tackle you back into bed. You stop into the bathroom to wash up and clean your face and teeth. It is your day off together, so you wanted to make him a proper breakfast. You go to the kitchen and start some French Toast. Once you start putting the soggy bread in the pan to crisp, you hear Spencer enter.

"What are you doing?" he asks sweetly
"Making some breakfast." you reply

He makes his way over to you at the stove and slides his hands around your torso. He lays his chin on your left shoulder as you cook. He kisses your neck and moved your messy hair. He watches you cook, still holding on. When you start to finish the last few slices and plate them on a large platter, he lets go to set the table. He grabs the orange juice, maple syrup and gets some water for you both. He makes the table look nice, moving his messenger bag to the proper place and moves the wildflowers that sat in the middle to make room.

Once you finish cleaning the pans and stuff, and finish plating the toast and sausage, you walk over to the table. He sits patiently as he admires you walking around in his shirt. You sit next to him and place the food on his plate for him. He just watched you and took in your beauty. You look at him to find him staring as you feel a big smile and warm blush spread across your face.

"You're beautiful." He states. You stay silent but let out a soft laugh. You both start to dig in. Once your finished, he takes the plates and such to put them in the dishwasher. Once the table is clear and the dishwasher starts to run, he comes back over and quickly scoops you out of your chair. You're slightly startled from his strength as he lifts you marriage-style like it's nothing.

You giggled like a kid while he placed kisses on your cheek. He makes his way to the couch and plops you down. You're laughing out loud at this point when he practically jumps on top of you. He continues to kiss around your face and tease your skin with light touches that tickle. You laugh so hard and that makes him do the same. He eventually stops so you can catch your breath and to just look down to you. You both have another loving staring contest. You kiss passionately before you turn your head to the T.V. as he gently lays his whole body onto your's. He pulls the blanket that lays on the couch to cover you both. You scroll for a bit on Netflix until you find a movie. You love film with a passion, so he'll watch literally anything you want because he knows it'll be great.

You pick Martin Scorsese's "Hugo" and you both start watching. Every once in a while, Spencer will say some statistic that applies to that moment of the movie. You look at him as he rambles, genuinely interested and fascinated. He looks at you while he talks, barley noticing your "Wow, I'm so lucky" expression.

"I love you so much" you blur out as you stroke and play with his hair. He lifts his head from your chest to see your face.

"I love you so much" he counters as he emphasized the word "you".

"I'm so thankful and happy that you're in my life, Spencer. I hope you know that. I'm so honored"

"(Y/N), I feel the same. I'm constantly wondering what I did to deserve you" he admits

"Awww, baby. You did nothing and everything" you joke and you both laugh

The rest of the day was pretty lazy. Although you did go out grocery shopping together after the movie. But once you got back, it was back to the couch and onto a new movie. You'll always treasure days like these. And so will he.

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