Phone Calls and Contacts

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Content Warning: Suggested sexual content/D@ddy K!nk, Language, still Fluffy(?)
I'm so bad at writing ✌️😌
428 words


The team was coming home after a case and they're on the jet. Before flying, they spent one last night at the hotel to leave this morning. That being said, everyone was awake. You were sitting at the briefing table with Emily on your left and Derek across from you. Hotch was on Derek's right. JJ and Rossi were talking while Reid sat at the seat facing the table, reading of course.

"Hey (Y/N)?" Derek said

"What's up?"

"My phone just died and I need to text Samantha real quick. Do you mind?"

"Of course not. Here." You smiled and handed your phone to him, unlocked

"Thanks Princess." Derek was swiping to find the phone. When he did, it was on your "recent calls" option/section. He wasn't prying, but the name of a contact got his attention...
You never really had a relationship with your father, and the emojis were...specific.

"What the..?" Derek muttered. You heard him and looked up to see a big grin appearing at his face. He started laughing

"What's going on?" Emily asked

"Yeah, what's wrong?" You add

"Oh, nothing is wrong! I'm just...taken aback. Who's 'Daddy Purple Heart and Water Splashes emojis'?!" He teased. As he announced the name, everyone was listening now. Especially Reid.

"Ok, haha. Give me my phone!" You tried to snatch it but he pulled away as he hit the contact. "DEREK! STOP! NO NO N—" As he did...

Reid's phone started ringing

You both froze and made eye contact that screamed pure panic/embarrassment. The rest were flabbergasted.

"Pick it up, Reid." Rossi teased

"Could be your mom." JJ says

"I- uh-we—'s j-just spam..." He tried to protest. His miserable attempt to hide the obvious failed and the whole team started laughing uncontrollably. Even Hotch was smirking! You put your face in hands as you felt hot. Spencer did the same. Eventually, they (sort of) catch their breath.

"'Daddy'?!" Emily asked, already knowing the answer

"How long?!" Rossi adds. You look to Spencer and shrug. No going back now.

"Almost a year..." you murmured. Your answer shocked them.

"Don't let it get in the way of work." Hotch said kindly. You and Spencer nodded.

"Did you really need to text Samantha?" You scold Derek

"Do you really call him 'Daddy'?" He teased back

"Yes" Spencer whispered under his breath but was not quiet enough. The all are wheezing at this point. They're never going to give this up. And they'll remind you at least twice a day

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