You torture someone

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I was unsure how to write half of them, I mostly did this for Devil and Valerius, so sorry if they are OOC.


You did it because the dude was torturing Asra so you just lost it and did it to the man to let him know how it feels. Asra couldn't really blame you, he would have also reacted the same way if someone tortured you, but he still took your arm and pulled you away from the man and into a hug, telling you to stop it and look at him. When you finally looked at him, anger and guilt in your eyes, he softly put his hands on your cheeks and told you it isn't your fault he got tortured so don't look so guilty and it's all okay now so stop torturing the man.


She stormed away, disgusted by this. When you chased after her, asking her what her problem is, she was quick to turn with shocked eyes, shocked you dare ask her this as if what you did was normal before she glared and pointed behind you to gesture to what you just did, angrily shouting what you just did was inhumane and she can't believe you would do something like this. She didn't talk to you for a long time, needing a lot of time and convincing before she finally talked to you again. She never forgot it or forgave you for it though, she still finds it disgusting, but she loves you too much to leave you so made you agree to her to never do it again.

Julian: (Just a quick warning to people who plan to ever tie up their partners, use wax play, cutting, choking, just dangerous stuff basically, ALWAYS ask permission and NEVER suddenly do it out of nowhere, there is a big chance it can make your partner terrified and even traumatize them.)

You can torture him all you want, as long as you stop if he says so. He likes being cut, tied up, all that stuff, but he does not like it when you suddenly do it because it makes him feel a bit afraid so always first ask permission and make sure he's really okay with it. So if you are in the middle of cutting his arm and he nervously asks you to stop, don't question it, just stop and respect his decision to stop and make sure he's doing okay.


When he saw what you were about to do, he was quick to push you to the side making you stumble before asking him what the hell he's doing, which made him angrily say he should be asking you that. When you told him you just wanted to give the person what they deserve, he cringed before telling you not to do that and that it's disgusting you want to do it. He was mad with you about this for a long time, refusing to listen to you when you tried to defend yourself. Eventually he did listen and he told you never to try to do it again and not to think just because he's talking to you again that it means he forgives you because he does not.


She wasn't sure what to say or think, her mind blank, staring at you. When you saw her and held up your hands, telling her the person deserved it, she gasped before telling you, stumbling over her words a bit, that even if that's true, you can't just do this. When you told her you will never do it again, she glared and pointed, saying you are better telling the truth because if you are do this again she will break up with you.


He's all here for giving people who did awful things what they deserve, but torture made him uncomfortable, nervously asking you if you aren't overdoing it. When you told him some people would argue him executing people is as cruel, he frowned, not sure how to reply to that so he will just leave the room and try to distract himself and ignore what you are doing.


When you calmly told him one day that you tortured someone once, he almost choked on his wine before he swallowed it and stared at you then slowly asked you "what?". When you calmly repeated yourself, he asked you why the hell you are so calm about this and why you even tortured someone. So as you told him the reason, he just stared, wondering why he's dating a torturer and if he should report this to a guard or not.


Ow, he loves it. He will want you to do it in his throne room so he can just relax on his throne and watch you having your fun. When you run out of ideas on how to torture this person more, he will teleport aside you and whisper new ideas in your ear with a smirk before teleporting back on his throne and watching with a proud grin as you use his idea to torture the person.

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