You make a promise to someone but cross your fingers behind your back

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He just chuckled and focused back on the conversation. When the person left, he chuckled again, remembering it, finding it a bit amusing. He doesn't find it amusing when you promise something like helping someone out though as he thinks you shouldn't promise to help someone and bring their hopes up only to cross your fingers behind your back and not even intend to do it.


She glanced at it before frowning, not quite pleased with you making a promise you don't intend to actually do. When the person left, she spoke to you about it, telling you if you don't intend to fulfill a promise to not make it then.


For a second he was confused but then he remembered what it meant and narrowed his eyes at you, wondering if you ever done this to him before he focused back on the conversation.


He didn't even know what it meant, just found it weird. So when the person left, he awkwardly asked you why you crossed your fingers behind your back so you explained what it means to him and he hummed before frowning and asking why you would do that.


She giggled before covering her mouth when the person you were talking to looked at her. She waved her hand to gesture it's nothing while saying she just remembered a silly joke you told her once.


He found it funny but kept a straight face so he wouldn't give it away. Which kind of failed as a big smile grew on his face and he covered his mouth, snickering. He kept help finding it amusing, he just loves how cunning and mischievous his spouse is.


He didn't get it and found it dumb, that's like trying to get caught. If a friend of the person you are lying to sees it and says it to the person, you are caught in your lying.


He will just smirk before focusing on the conversation again, the smirk still there, greatly scaring the person you are talking to as they had no clue what was going on. 

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