They leave and forgot to say goodbye

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He was talking to the baker when he suddenly realized he never said goodbye to you so he excused himself then hurried home. He burst through the door causing you to jump in surprise before asking him what's wrong, but he just panted out goodbye, love you, then left and hurried back to the baker.


She was thinking so much about work that she completely forgot to give you a kiss and say goodbye when leaving. So at work, when she realized it, she felt quilty and as if something was so wrong since she didn't get to do her usual goodbye routine. When she was done with work, she went to you just so she could apologize about earlier. When you asked her what she's talking about, she told you for not giving you a kiss and saying goodbye while leaving.


He was drunk at the tavern when he realized this. So you got to open the door when a knock came to a drunk Julian, who first said he had to knock because he forgot the key at home, then he gave you a kiss and said goodbye. When you asked him what he's going on about, he said he's doing his usual goodbye now because he forgot to do it earlier. Before you could ask him anything else, he did it again before leaving, saying he left an unfinished beer at the tavern so he's gonna go finish that.


You asked him to go buy dinner so he did, only to realize he forgot to say goodbye from how nervous he was getting at the thought of going to the market with all those people. He thought it would be embarrassing to go back just to say goodbye so he stayed, but felt weirdly guilty about it. So when he got home, he followed you very closely for a while until you turned to him and asked him why he's doing it, which made him blush and admit in a mumble he feels guilty for not having wished you goodbye earlier.


She was hurrying to work but then realized she forgot so she did a weird back and forward movement, unsure if she even has time to say goodbye. When she spot you out on the porch, she perked up before waving her arms to get your attention. When you looked, she yelled goodbye and to wish her luck. When you gave her two thumbs up, she couldn't help but grin before she hurried back on her way to work.


He will either jog back to you to wish you goodbye or tell a servant to go tell you he says goodbye since he forgot. Poor servant basically becomes a messenger between you two as you tell them to go tell Lucio it's fine and then Lucio tells them to go say something back and you also keep going so the servant is just rushing around, delivering messages between you two.


While walking to the palace to work, he froze as he began wondering if he said goodbye to you or not then let out a groan and slouched, debating now if he should go back to say goodbye or not. He decided that would be stupid and that would cause him to be late so he just continued walking to the palace.


He doesn't really care, he doesn't really wish you goodbye when he's leaving anyway. He only does it when he has something to say to you before leaving and just says goodbye at the end to be polite and whatnot. So if he doesn't do it, he doesn't really care or think about it. If you like when he says goodbye on his way out, he will try to think of doing it more but won't make it a top priority.

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