Someone follows you two

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WARNING: This is about a person following you two so if you cannot stand that, I suggest skipping this chapter.


He seen them outside the window a few times and he thought it might just be a curious or shy person, so one day he exit the store and asked them if they wish to have a card reading. The person seemed hesitant but then agreed and came inside. As Asra did the card reading, he couldn't help but find this person weird and as if he just let someone danger inside his shop. The way the person kept eyeing everything and then stared a bit too long at you when you walked by was definitely something Asra didn't like so he finished the card reading quicker then ushered them out, using the excuse that he has some important things to do so he will have to close early today. When the person was out and a bit away from the shop, Asra turned to you and immediately told you to stay away from that person before telling you the weird way he felt around that person. Asra saw the person a few times when exiting the shop, just watching him, so one day, Asra walked past them and threw some spell on them to make them forget the shop in hopes this will make them stop this behaviour.


She suspected it right away when she noticed this person acting so weird and staying far away but also close enough. She didn't wish to worry you so she didn't say anything. She didn't wish to accuse someone without prove either, but she will still keep an eye out. While you weren't focused on her, she motioned a guard over and informed him of this person and asked the guard to keep an eye on them. Then both just continued what you were doing, with Nadia glancing backwards when you weren't looking. She felt a little safer when she noticed the guards were all alert of this person, but she was still keeping a sharp eye out for the person. She didn't wish to keep this a secret from you since this person could be a danger to you so once closer to the palace with a bit more guards around, she began explaining it to you. When you turned to look for them, she also turned then told you which person from the crowd it is, sighing they haven't done anything yet but she has asked all guards to keep an eye on them so if they do anything, they will immediatelly be stopped. So you asked why she doesn't just arrest the creep right now, which she sighed to and said she cannot just arrest someone for walking around. Unless they do anything illegal, she cannot just arrest whoever she wants. When you mumbled she technically can since she has that power, she chuckled and said she technically can but that's not the countess she wishes to be and this might just be her overthinking this so she rather be certain with evidence before she traumatizes an innocent person by suddenly arresting and accusing them just because she was overthinking something.


He let out a "euhm" when he began noticing what's going on making you ask him what's wrong. He awkwardly told you he thinks you two are being followed. When you looked behind, he freaked out, telling you you don't just turn and look if someone says someone dangerous is behind you. He took your hand and hurried with you through some small alleys, assuring you that he knows this place like the back of his hand. When you both came to a death end, you couldn't help but sarcastically repeat what he said making his face turn a bit red before he assured you it's fine. He checked the sides for the person before rushing out the death end way, muttering about some path that should be around here. Once he found it, he let out a happy "ha!" then hurried through the alley, saying he knew it was here. Both ended at some street near Mazelinka's place so Julian said can both hide there until the person has for certain stopped following. So both hanged out at Mazelinka's for hours until you both felt good enough to go back out.


You noticed it so you tugged his hand making him look at you, not sure what you want. When you nod behind, he was even more confused then looked behind, not seeing what you want him to see so you whispered the person then described them. When Muriel spot them, he immediately saw they were trouble. He frowned then dragged you to some alley. He wasn't sure what to do, just hoped this would work. He threw his cloak around you then picked you up with ease and walked back out and past the person, giving them the nastiest look while walking past. He was hoping that the person would now forget ever having seen him and try to find you in the alley, only not to find you since he's carrying you but the person would not remember that due to the forgetting spell that Muriel has on him. Once at the hut, he put you down and told you next time you go out alone, you are taking Inanna for safety with you.


Were both at the market and she noticed it when she turned and saw them a few times. She wasn't sure though so she asked you if that person wasn't the person she saw earlier. When you nod, she joked that they must be buying the same things as you two. She didn't think much of it at first as she was just having fun shopping with you, but the more she saw him, less funny she found it. She truly began worrying when she began noticing their eyes weren't on what they were buying but on you two so one at point, when in a big crowd, she quickly took your hand and both hurried through it, hoping you both lost the person in the big crowd. Both ran to the palace, where she saw some guard she knew so she called him over and explained to him about the situation. The guard assured her he will keep an eye out and stop by her cottage later to make sure they didn't follow you two home. Portia thanked him with a smile before you both went back to her cottage. And the guard did stop by later, with the good news that the person seemed to have stopped following you two. Portia let out a sigh at the news before saying they probably lost you two in that big crowd. Sleeping that night was difficult as it felt as if the person will be outside. The next day the guard stopped by again to make sure the person isn't there, which luckily they weren't. The guard introduced himself to you and assured you he will keep stopping by if that makes you feel better, then chuckled that's the least he can do for how kind Portia always is with always wishing him a good day and good luck when he's about to start working or giving him some food when he had to skip a meal due to work.


You noticed so told him you think someone has been following. He chuckled and smugly said people just can't resist him and wish to get closer to him to admire him from close. When you let out an unimpressed hum, he gave you a frown before calling some guard over and ordering them to take that person far away. When the person returned later, Lucio got enough and snatched his sword to look more intimidating then stormed to them, demanding to know why they are following you two the whole day already. Depending on their answer, he will either order some guards to take them far away again or order the guards to throw them in the dungeon. After that, he assured you they won't be bothering you again and if they do, his sword will not be for just intimidation.


When he noticed, he nod to them and asked you if that idiot is spying on you. When you looked and said you think they are spying on him, he hummed then said you both play are unique people, with him being a courtier and you a magician. As he took a sip of his wine, he motioned some guard over and gestured to the person, a silent order to keep you two safe and keep an eye on this weirdo. Then he chuckled and asked if you think they will try anything. So both just talked about this, unbothered, knowing there are guards to keep you two safe and you can easily just cast a spell on them if they do try anything.


Many people actually do, usually those people who want evidence of his existence. But there is a reason that hasn't been revealed to the public yet, mainly because those people are never seen again. What he does to them depends on his mood and those people. Sometimes they get a cruel, slow death, other times it's quick and simple. He especially gives them a slow death if they start involving you into their stalking and/or scares you.

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