You want to buy a new house

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Requested by: queeneeup


He considers the shop his home and he has many fond memories here so he doesn't think a lot of leaving it. But then he began thinking about it. The shop is quite small for two people, and if you wish to start a family or get many more pets then the shop will certainly be too small. The whole second floor is a mess because there isn't enough space to put stuff so both had a long discussion about it since this is a very important decision that can't just be made in one day. He really wished to keep the shop though as it was conveniently placed at the market so many people see and visit it and he just has grown an attachment to it over the years he lived here.


You can both certainly discuss this. If she finds it a good idea, she will help you buy it and send some servants or guards to help you move your stuff. She won't move in with you though, her home is the palace and will be so until she stops being the countess. She doesn't mind if you want a house and not live in the palace, she can understand not wishing to live here but in the comfort of your own little home without all the servants and guards around and other people.


He just began laughing then said "ow, you are serious" before awkwardly reminding you you are both too poor to buy a new house. When you told him you would save up for it, he frowned, thinking about it before mumbling that could work. He doesn't wish to live in bad neighborhoods anymore so he wants a house somewhere nice. He was very excited about it, finding many houses for sale, asking you which one you both should pick, what house you are looking for before rambling about the kind of new house he wants.


He just feels awkward because he doesn't have the money to help you out with this. He shrugged, mumbling if you want a house you have to make that decision. When you told him buying a house is a decision that's made by both partners in the relationship since it changes a lot and costs a lot, he frowned, not sure what he has to say about this before he said if you want it you should get it. So if you get it, he will help you move into it. He did awkwardly ask you if he can also stay here sometimes, to which you told him of course he can live here. So he will stay at the house a lot but still go to his hut because it's his comfort/happy place.


She doesn't want to leave her cottage. She loves it here, she made a nice home out of it, she has some plans still for it, and it's close to work so that also makes it easy. She assured you if you wish to live somewhere else you can do that, jokingly nudging you and adding to obviously visit a lot, but she won't leave her cottage.


He held his hands to the palace as if to ask "what's wrong with the palace?!". When you told him what you don't like about it and there is never truly privacy with all the people around, he frowned but then shrugged and said sure. So if you want a house, just ask and he will buy it for you. He won't buy you one in the bad parts of Vesuvia though, he doesn't want you living in such bad places. He will visit a lot and sleep over many nights, but he will still live at the palace as well, so he just switches between the two depending on where he wishes to stay that week.


He raised his eyebrow, asking what's wrong with the current house. He wasn't gonna buy a new house. He found it silly. This house is still perfectly fine, he's not gonna waste a ton of money on a new house and make such a big change. If you don't like something around the house, you can just change it, no need to buy a whole new house. If it's because of the neighborhood, he will just have a word about it with Nadia.


You aren't always in the Devil's realm and still go to Earth and the Devil doesn't really like you staying at the shop since Asra also lives there so he will "buy" you whatever house you want. With buy, it means he will kill whoever lives there, throw their body somewhere unknown, and then happily tell you he bought you that house you wanted. If you want new furniture, he will make new furniture appear with a simple snap of his fingers.

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