When you ask for their help during training/practice

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Of course he will gladly help you with your training, he always has. Just ask him and he will drop whatever he's doing and help you out. Unless he's helping a customer, then he will ask you to wait a few minutes and close the shop after the customer left so he doesn't have to worry about any other customers and can just focus on helping you.


If you need supplies, she will immediately send a servant to go buy them or assure you that you can use anything in the palace. If you ask her to hold something to help you aim your magic at it, she will do so while jokingly telling you that she trusts you not to hit her.


If you ask him to hold something so you can shoot it with magic, he will hold it by the end very far from him. When you ask him to hold it normally, he will frown and say he trusts you but he's always found magic to be weird and confusing. When you assure him nothing bad will happen, he will sigh and hold it properly. If you ask him to practice fighting, he will nervously do so, not wishing to hurt you.


If you need something build to break down with your magic, he will build it and fix it it as many times as you need. If you ask him if you can practice your fighting against him, he will nod, telling you not to go easy on him just because he's your husband. If you aren't good at fighting, he will give you some tips and show you some useful moves.


She will be cheering you on as you train. If you need her to hold something or set something up, she will quickly do so, excited that she can help out. If you need her to help you train in combat, she will determinedly say she will do her best so you also do your best.


He likes to practice swordsmanship with you. If you need someone to practice some new spell you have, he will let you. He will be smug but at the same time serious. He takes training very serious because it's something that helps you during your adventures so it can help determine whether you win or lose a fight, whether you live or die.


He refuses, he never trusts you not to hit him during practice. When you assure him you won't hit him, he will huff and say if you need practice that means you aren't sure how to use it yet so he's not gonna risk his life for some weird magic stuff.


If you ask him to help you in combat, he will just make some weird monster appear, telling you to practice against that. If you ask him to teach you something new, he will gladly teach you something powerful with a grin, the imagine of you using this to wipe out a town flashing in his mind.

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