You randomly say you would die for them

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Because of the previous chapter, which was requested by FIFIEFOFUN, I got this idea.


You were both about to walk through a new unknown magical realm so you assured him you would sacrifice yourself to save him if anything awful happens. He glanced at you then laughed and said he didn't expect you to say that. He took your hand and gave the back of it a kiss, assuring you he would also die for you.


She was about to take a bite of her lunch but then froze when you said this. She stared for a bit before slowly putting her fork down, not entirely sure how to react to this so she simply thanked you and assured you she would do the same if it came to it. Then she picked her fork back up and continued eating.


He froze and nervously asked why you are saying that. Before you could say just letting him know, he quickly asked if something dangerous is about to happen. When you finally assured him just letting him know, he gave you this unsure look before chuckling and assuring you he would also die for you, or at least get hurt over and over.


He froze while making you some food on the stove then he began shaking his head and nervously whispered he doesn't want that. He let go of the pan and gently took your arm with a lightly trembling hand, asking in a worried tone if you are in danger or if he's in danger. You assured him everything is okay and you were just letting him know, he gave you this little frown that told you to never do that again before he realized something. He turned back to the stove to see the food was starting to get burned making him groan and quickly take it off, muttering curses before he awkwardly apologized to you, feeling guilty for burning your food a little.


She couldn't help but laugh because of how random it was. She gave you this confused expression before asking you why you are suddenly saying such things or even thinking of such things. After you explained it, she told you she would also die for you, playfully calling you "silly" at the end.


He froze then chuckled and asked if that's true. He liked the idea of you being so loyal and in love with him that you would do that, but of course that doesn't mean he likes the idea of you dying, he just likes you loving him so much. When you nod, he smirked before giving you a kiss and assuring you he would also do the same for you. Then he gave another kiss and added if it's a choice between you or him dying he would sacrifice himself without having to even think about it.


You were both having dinner. He took a sip of his wine when you suddenly told him you would die for him. He just stared at you before putting down his wine so he could rub his face with this long sigh, asking why he can never just have a normal meal in peace.


He got this smirk, asking in a voice that said this amuses him if you would die for him even if it's a slow, painful death. When you told him he made this weird but romantic thing into something creepy, he just chuckled with such amusement in his eyes. 

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