You storm past with a sword in hand and an angry expression

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He was calmly reading a book with Faust aside him, when he suddenly heard you storming down the stairs. He turned and watched you storm around the room, snatching your sword and storming to the front door. He looked to Faust before sighing and closing his book, getting up and walking to the front door, watching you furiously pulling your shoes on. He calmly asked you if you are okay, not even needing your angry no to know you were not okay before he asked you what's wrong and if you wouldn't rather talk to him about it than go do whatever you are planning to do.


She stopped in her walking before calmly turning, calling your name before asking you what you are planning to do with that sword. When you held it up, saying kill someone, she raised her eyebrow, wondering who angered you so before she walked over, telling you violence is not the answer ad to tell her what happened. She held out her hand to tell you to hand it over so you sighed but gave it before telling her what happened.


He stopped in his walking, wondered for a second if that was his lover that just stormed by with such an angry expression and a sword in hand before he was certain and quickly rushed after you, nervously calling your name and asking what you are doing with a sword.


He was quick to wrap his arm around your waist to hold you still, taking the sword from you, saying he doesn't know what you are doing but it can't be good. When you tried to wiggle free, he just watched as you failed to get free before he told you he isn't letting go until you calm down.


She chuckled before her smile fell as she realized you weren't just walking around with a sword for fun, your glare clearly said you were planning to put it to good use on someone so she quickly turned and rushed after you, yelling your name. Once she caught up, she held your arms to keep you in place, asking you what the hell you think you are gonna do.


He nervously chuckled as you stormed by before he asked you where you are going with that sharp sword. As he narrowed his eyes, he added in an unimpressed mumble with his sword. As you said to kill someone, he took his sword, saying to get your own sword then and not to put the blood of someone he doesn't even know on it. As you turned to get yours, he was quick to take your arm, saying he said that as a joke and not to actually go get your sword. He sighed before asking what even is the problem and who you are planning to kill.


He sighed, knowing he's gonna need more than this one glass of wine for whatever chaos you are about to create, before he called your name and asked what you are doing. As you said gonna go kill someone, he hummed before saying no. He told you you are a fool if you think violence is the answer, and he doesn't wish to sentence you to death for whoever you are about to murder, so just lay the sword down and go relax. As you pushed the sword against him and stormed back to your room, he took the sword with a cringe before holding it out as if it was some disgusting thing, calling a servant before pushing it against them, telling them to go throw it away or whatever.


He just glanced to your sword before calling your name. As you turned to him, glaring, asking what. He made a very sharp sword appear, holding it to you, saying this one is better. As you raised your eyebrow, he just nudged the sword as if to tell you to take it. As you took it, he smiled before walking away.

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