You act as if they promised to take you on a fancy date

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He froze as you asked if he's ready for the date at the fancy place. He has many things on his minds so he could have easily promised that then forgotten. He hummed. When you turned he was quick to check his money before groaning, wondering why he would waste his money if he had this planned.
On the way you kept quiet, curious how far you can take this: but he stopped halfway, near the market, with a guilty look, announcing softly he can't. He hesitated then explained he bought some new things because he forgot about this so now he doesn't have the money for this kind of thing anymore but he hopes a date around the market will still be good enough. Now you felt bad so you awkwardly admitted he never promised anything and you just wanted to see how he would react, not thinking it would go this far. Understandably he was furious at this as he got so stressed, upset, and guilty over this whole thing. The market date happened, but was very awkward as he stormed around, angrily asking why you would do that, if you thought that was funny, if you couldn't have at least told him before he left out the shop.


She assured you you don't have to lie about a date for it to happen as she will always gladly go with you on a date. So she will now schedule in a fancy date in her busy schedule. You assured her you were just messing around so she doesn't have to waste her free time on some date but she was quick to argue spending time with you is never a waste of time.

So both went on the date and had fun. She didn't make a big deal of the money so you didn't feel bad at how much it cost. Seeing how good it was she was sure to plan in more dates like these monthly whenever she had enough time in her schedule.


It's not really a lie you made up to play with him, he drunkly declared one day he would take you to the exepensive place, so to tease him you decided to keep him to it. So two days later you approached him in your best clothes, asking if he's ready. Of course he just stared, not a clue what you are talking about, though still smiled and said you look marvelous. You told him he promised you two days ago to take you out to that fancy place. He tried to recall two days ago, and did as he gasped he was drunk and you can't keep a drunk to their words as they have no clue what they are babbling on about. You gave him a pout, asking if you got all fancy for nothing. He did a little nervous "yes-no" sway then assured he can take you to the pub and act as if it's fancy.

So both went to the pub in the best clothes you both owned and acted as if it was an expensive place. Giggling like idiots as he acted all posh and claimed the drinks are from century old bottles.


You came and asked if he's ready for the date at that expensive place near the market. To this he froze then looked at you with guilty eyes, whispering he can't afford that. He began stumbling over his words: trying to make you happy by promising he can try to cook a big meal and light some candles. But his reaction made you feel guilty so you were quick to hug him and promise you are just messing with him and he doesn't have to do all that. He let out an "oh" as his face got a bit red he fell for it. Though at dinner time you did still get a big meal with candles lit.


She's definitely sure that wasn't on her schedule when you suddenly came and asked if that's still on for tomorrow. She chuckled then asked if you would like to go to one. You gave a little shrug so she assured you she will try to arrange something, though she doubts it will be by tomorrow.
She laughed about it later on to Nadia, who told her of a nice place she thinks you two will like. Portia hesitated then said she'll check it out. She was hesitatant about how pricey it might all be, but she became quick to get flustered when Nadia added she'll pay for it. Portia kept insisting she can't do that but Nadia kept insisting she can and is. So the next day you two dined at a very nice place, which offered expensive but delicious meals. Portia felt awkward dining with Nadia paying so she still got the cheapest thing, which Nadia will guess later on and chuckle about, but Portia was mainly happy you two finally got to do such a thing and you got to have your fancy date.


You asked as a joke if he's ready for the date at that expensive place. He froze then gasped and cheered yes before rushing out. He spend quite a bit putting on his best clothes, looking so excited to go. He didn't even think if this was even agreed upon or planned, he just loves dates with you. He went to that place few times and liked it so this is gonna be an awesome date and he's excited!

So you got stuck at a date at some expensive place, acting as if this was supposed to happen. It was a very fun and lovely date nevertheless though. At the end of the date you slowly admitted you just acted as if this was planned for the day but neither even mentioned a date to here. He looked then laughed. He doesn't know why you would joke about this but he liked it since it got you two here and both had a fantastic time. He assured next time you can just ask if he wants to go instead of act as if this was planned since he's always ready to go on a date with you.


He almost spit out his wine then looked to you, asking if you mean that one place you two saw days ago. You nod, claiming he said he would take you there. He stared then laughed out "no, I definitely didn't" then continues drinking and relaxing. You tried continuing so he asked you to stop since he just got home from work and he doesn't want to argue about some weird thing you made up. He firmly told you to just say if you want to go there and he will gladly take you but don't lie about it or try to trick him.


You came to him as he sat on his throne so he pat his lap to tell you to climb on, but you refused, saying he promised you two would be at that fancy place you saw the other week for a date by now. He stared at you then his eyes narrowed, in a way that send chills down your spine. He assured you he did not promise to such a thing, for the simple fact he would never promise such a thing. When you asked if he would still take you now he denied. You asked why, to which he smiled in response and said because a deceiver doesn't get nice things. You argued normally he would love it if you do such things, but he shook his finger, doing a little "ah, ah, ah" of disapproval then answers he loves when you do it to others: but never to him.

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