When you tell them it's okay for relationships to end then stay silent

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SCENARIO: When you tell them it's okay for relationships to end then stay silent before adding not your relationship with them though. (Wattpad only allows 80 characters so couldn't put the full title.)

Requested by: IDGETDT


He looked up from the book he was reading before nodding, saying that's right. As you nod, he felt a bit awkward, unsure what you are expecting him to say or do so he awkwardly said an okay then returned to reading his book. When you told him you don't mind your relationship with him, he couldn't help but chuckle as he said he knows.


She hummed in agreement, saying she agrees, a person shouldn't be in a relationship if there is no romantic love in it and it is perfectly okay to end it, nobody should feel forced to stay in one just because they think they have to, then it will just bring up a lot of negative emotions and you will just waste your years with a person you don't even truly love. When you added not your relationship with her though, she hummed again, saying she has to agree yet again.


He froze before nervously chuckling, asking if you are trying to tell him something. When you shrugged, he stared before asking what's with that shrug. As you walked away, he was quick to follow you, asking in a desperate voice why you said that. When you assured him you aren't talking about your relationship with him, he narrowed his eyes, staring deep into yours before seeing you mean it and let out a sigh of relief.


He froze, his brain just stopped working as he held his chicken before he opened his mouth then shut it before giving you these very insecure, sad, and worried eyes, asking in a whisper if you aren't happy with him. When you quickly assured him you are and it was just something weird that just came out your mouth, he frowned a little before looking at the chicken, mumbling an okay. He was clearly not okay and he spend the next few hours thinking about it, growing more and more insecure with the minute.


She just chuckled, asking what's with the sudden question. When you shrugged, she hummed, eyeing you, knowing you are up to something before she said of course you should end a relationship if you aren't happy in it. When you smiled and said you are very happy with her, she chuckled and said she's very happy with you too.


He froze before narrowing his eyes, asking what you mean. When you shrugged and said you just think it's okay to end a relationship, he huffed and said good thing this is not some relationship then but a serious marriage where both partners are happy and in love with each other then walked away.


He hummed as he sipped his wine, not properly listening before what you said repeated in his head and his head was quick to snap your way, asking you what you just said. So you repeated it. He just stared before slowly humming, unsure if you are referring to this relationship or just relationships in general then slowly said he feels the same way but not about this one. As you assured him of course you aren't talking about this one, he was quick to nod, saying good then continued drinking, feeling so relieved you didn't mean this relationship.


He just stared with bored eyes before telling you to find something better to intrigue him with. So you couldn't help but frown as he didn't give a fun response before leaving to go think of something different to say that will get a fun response out of him. He just watched you leave, wondering what you will come up with this time.

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