You leave in an odd way and are never seen again

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It was a normal day; nothing out the ordinary. It was only until you gave him a tight hug, the kind he gives when he's about to leave on a long trip; and then whispered "Run". His mind felt as if it suddenly couldn't work anymore as he tried to be sure he heard it right and why you would say that. A little unsure chuckle left him, asking what you mean; but you were already rushing out the door. He yelled your name and exit the shop but didn't even see a trace of you in the distance. He shouted your name but nothing. He searched around with some people he knew, like the baker, but nothing.

After that he felt as if he was in a battle with himself. He didn't understand, nor what you meant. Did you mean actually run, or run away from this place, or simply go on an adventure as he might need to find something. So he did all three.

He ran until his legs hurt so much he collapsed and held them while crying in pain; but mainly frustration this did nothing. He ran away from Vesuvia; the only person he spoke to was Muriel, who was very worried for his friend but understanding, though very sad at the news, as to why he was leaving. But still nothing: he found you nowhere, no matter where he went. So then he went into various magical realms, and he noticed it was all more violent and dangerous, but still nothing. He was left so confused and broken at the end he simply laid against a tree and sobbed; crying out you can't do this to him and that he can't lose you again.


She was having a social event so she was chatting with many people. But she was getting tired so she excused herself to go find you to get an energy boost. But when she spot you far away you were discussing something with a cloaked figure. The cloaked figure walked away so she walked over, now to ask who that was. But then you followed the cloaked figure and left the room.

Nadia's steps picked up and soon she was outside the room. But no you. She searched around a little then returned to the people: confused but needing to do her duty.

You never returned, nor could anyone find you. Many things went through her head: "Were you murdered?", "Did you have a secret affair and now run away with them?", "Did they kidnap you?", "Did something magical happen and now you are stuck in a magical realm?"

She bombarded Asra with many questions, but he didn't have answers either. She had missing posters put up everywhere. She send a searching party every day; but after a while it was every other day then every four days and soon once a week. It showed how she was losing hope but hanging on a little. The not knowing mostly killed her. She even went to her family and asked them all to please help search, which they of course gladly and quickly began helping with.


He came home, stumbling and reeking of alcohol; snickering of the silly story he shared with the others at the bar. You helped him take off his coat and vest then put him down on the bed. You crouched; taking his boots off while he sang some song they sang at the bar, though all was slurred and nothing made sense, even some parts being left out.

Even though he was drunk he could still tell something was bothering you so he squeezed your cheeks with his hands, tugging your face closer, then asked with a pout why you look so unhappy. You glanced down then back at him, then whispered for him to go to sleep but he shook his head, insisting he first makes you happy. So you told him him going to sleep would make you happy. He blinked, processing, then whispered you are gonna do something. You stared then whispered it's complicated.

You spend maybe five minutes having to try to pull him off as he pulled you close, in such a tight grip it began hurting and getting annoying. But his cries broke your heart too much to pull him off right away. He promised he's sorry for whatever he did wrong or if there's any issues you two can fix it: together. His cheeks were so wet with all his tears raining down his cheeks, hitting you as they fell. But eventually he got tired and sleepy, though he tried to fight it as he wanted to make sure you are in sight.

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