If you like to flirt with them

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Requested by: Neighborhoodkook


He finds them amusing, and he's always curious to which new line you'll try on him. He finds it even more amusing by the fact that you are still flirting with him even though are both married. It's also sweet in a sense that you are still putting this energy, work, and love into it. So he likes it a lot when you flirt.


She's not a fan of it. She doesn't mind it but it reminds her of Lucio when they were married and it reminds her of all the creepy/entitled people who try to flirt with her at meetings and balls. So she's not very big on the flirting thing, but she can still chuckle about it when you flirt with her.


It gets him red faced. He tries to flirt back but usually ends up stumbling over his words and messing it up. Or says some very weird things that after saying it even he goes 'wait... that was weird, ignore what I said'. He eavesdrops on things people at the bar say when trying to get together or things in romance novels so he can steal a few lines.


It gets him blushing and flustered. He doesn't think he's worth all this flirting. Some things you say he doesn't get so you have to explain, and once he gets it the shyness settles in. He tried flirting back once but he messed it up so never tried again.


She finds it silly and so sweet! She appreciates it so much. So sometimes at work she suddenly realizes what lines she can say to you so she'll keep repeating them to herself while working. Then once home grabs your hands so she has your full attention and tells you them, trying not to laugh while doing so.


He loves it! He'll flirt back, and soon a flirt war happens. He'll start it wherever he feels so the public has gotten quite usd to just seeing you and him arguing flirts at each other. Some even stop to listen and see who'll win.


He'll stare, process, the chuckle and ask where you learned this one. When you do it too much it ends the fun and he finds it bothersome. But if you do it at random times and not too often he enjoys it and has a good chuckle about it; some even work to get him to blush and shyly look away.


He snickers when hearing them. He knows most of them so if you can say ones he hasn't heard yet he gets very excited, a weird sense of proudness, and joy; telling you to tell him more. Some times it gets him a bit too excited and you are suddenly being carried to the bedroom.

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