Chapter 44 - Without Ink, There's No Painting

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Now (Y/N) was defeated by the hook of Crocodile's. His sandstorm was his final sandstorm to Yuba, Toto is going to die to the sandstorm. The flame of the rebel army will only grow larger by the anger. The blood and ink kept dripping down the body.

Crocodile:"If you abandoned your worthless feelings, you would have lived longer." he said before noticing water pouring from his arm.

Crocodile: "I doubt you still feel indebted to this water, huh?" the ink man's arm moved and grabb3s hold the arm of the sand man.

(Y/N): "I won't die easily..." his nail changed to claws and pierced Crocodile's arm actual hurting him.

Crocodile: "Impossible, you're not dead?" he lets go of (Y/N) and made him fell in the crater, leaving him their while he struggles to get up.

Crocodile: "It looks like that hurts. Bull you'll be put out of your misery soon enough." he laughs at ink man who who sinking in the sand.

Toto has fallen along with Yuba. (Y/N) was devoured by the quicksand. And the crew had to continue on without him. Usopp was telling untrue stories to Chopper who believed him. Sanji was talking over about how Zoro was unfocused making them confused.

Zoro: "Want to say it chef?"

Luffy: "Huh? What are you saying?" he said with curiosity.

Sanji: "You're afraid, that (Y/N) might lose the battle and be dead." the words made Vivi face in shock.

Luffy screamed and ran around in circles and Sanji and Zoro bumped heads wanting to fight. Then Nami came in and bonked the three.

Vivi: "I don't believe it! We promised (Y/N)-san that we'll meet him at Alubarna, didn't we?"


Nami lightly hits Vivi's forehead and told her to worry about the rebellion more than (Y/N).

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) digging out of the sand-

Smoker was going to head to sea, that's where the Navy are heading next to catch the Straw Hats. Smoker said it was up to Tashigi, to decide things when she reaches the next destination. The crew were still on the Moving Crab that was still going to Alubarna. Vivi told them that the crab can't go in the water due to being a land creature making Usopp comment about it.

Usopp: "If we just bitterly swim across this river, as wide as a sea, we're not going to make it in time! Plus! After we cross the river, there's more desert to go across as well! If Pincers can't get go to the other shore, are we supposed to run from there?!"

Nami: "Looks like there's no other choice."

Luffy: "But how are we going to make it? I can't go in the water!"

Sanji noticed the river ahead. Chopper remembered that Pincers loves dancing girls, then Nami put her dancing outfit on making Lashes and Sanji eyes into heart, Pincer sees it and accelerates in lighting speed. The crab hits the water and was running on it, a few seconds later the crab started sinking.

Luffy: "AHHH! IM SINKING!" he screamed but Sanji got him.

Zoro: "We can go on from here." he dawn with Chopper on his head.

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