Chapter 98 - Backstabbing Traitors

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The pirates were in the tree, looking at the Galley-La Company being guarded by the shipwrights. They basically surrounded the whole building, for no one to get in easily.

(Y/N): "Chopper, do you see anything happening down there?" he asked the reindeer with the binoculars.

Chopper: "For now, nothing. But... they're all carrying weapons, and they look strong."

Nami: "I wouldn't be surprised. The shipwrights here beat even pirates. We should be careful and take action when the time is right."

Luffy: "Yeah, if we carelessly plunge in, we'll be in big trouble."

The navigator gave out a look of "really?" at the captain.

Nami: "Looks who's talking! He jumped in without any plan this afternoon."

Zoro: "Chopper, we don't know what'll happen. Don't miss even the slightest movement."

Chopper: "Yeah." he goes back to look through the binoculars.

(Y/N): "If you see any movement, immediately tell us."

Chopper: "Yep. Got it."

Zoro: "It's gonna be a long night, but don't let your guard down. If we miss our chance tonight, we'll have to say goodbye without knowing what happened. Think that we won't a way to go after Robin anymore. This is where we find out what we're made of."

Luffy: "Yeah... We'll definitely capture Robin."

(Y/N): "Don't worry... I'll get her back."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) thinking of someone-

They waited for bit, until. An explosion happened making shipwrights fly and injured.

Chopper: "HUH?! AN EXPLOSION!"

(Y/N): "Well, I wasn't expecting that." he had his eyes wide opened.

The shipwrights immediately went to try to put the fire out and taking the injured ones to safety. The Galley-La hero's we're sitting in front of Iceberg's bedroom, but few of them left to hunt down a person who was in the building. Lucci and Kaku was the only ones at the door. Chopper was looking down at the madness happening in the yard.

Chopper: "Ahh... The craftsmen are in a frenzy."

Zoro: "Yeah. It's gotten quite noisy. What do we do? Shall we go in?"

The reindeer took of the binoculars and turned to his left to see two people missing on the branch.

Chopper: "Hm? Where's Luffy and (Y/N)?"

Zoro & Nami: "WHAAAT?!" they both screamed of their eyes popped out.

They see a message in ink saying "Don't worry, I can sneak in easily". This only made them angry at one person.


Chopper: "Are you just realizing that?"

They got out the tree and started running.

Nami: "Seriously... why can't he listen to people's advice?!"

Zoro: "But that's nothing new." he reminded her.

Chopper: "But... Robin might be in that commotion, right? What are we gonna do?! We have to act carefully!"

Nami: "But depending on how you look at it, we've lucked out. When (Y/N) and Luffy marches into enemy territory, do you think he'd go around to the back or the side?!" she wonderes.

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