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Not to wake up Baina, I gently closed our bedroom door then limped downstairs to my home office where Brian sat patiently waiting for me. A week had passed since being discharged and had biweekly visits to the physiotherapist. I could walk using a walking stick which really took it's toll on me as I hated having to rely on a stick to help me walk. My memory was back to normal but I seemed to have constant headeaches and difficulty sleeping.

" Brian."

" Your majesty-"

He quickly stood up and attempted to curtsy but I stopped him before he could. I was no fan of this old fashioned royal protocol but only let him and others do it when we were in public. Plus I felt bad for him since he got hurt while trying to save me. He suffered a fractured ulna and shrapnel dirt also got into his right eye but luckily none pierced it. He was on treatment hence he currently had it covered.

" Found anything?"

I leaned my stick on the table as I opened my locked safe then took two analgesics from it. Brian gave me what looked like a confused look.

" Don't want the twins getting a hold of them, they do say keep out of reach of children."

" No need to explain yourself your majesty."

" So how far are we from finding Ebenezer but before that how's President Clementine?"

" She's much better, she suffered a flesh wound which is healing well and she's also getting psychological help. Her wife went into preterm labour a few nights ago while you were still in hospital. She and the baby are doing fine but still in the hospital for monitoring."

" I heard Baina mention that and said she sent them something. I'll have to call her and check on her. Where is her brother?"

" Disappeared at the same time as Ebenezar but I am not sure if he was the one who took Ebenezar. Our men are currently looking for him. "

" I see.... Before I blacked out I remember a gun going off do you know who was shot?"

" By the evidence on the scene, the police concluded that Ebenezar was shot but he did not lose that much blood so they figure he is still very much alive hiding out somewhere."

" I'm guessing Clementine is looking for both of them? "

" No she doesn't seem to care where her brother is but she's really on the hunt for Ebenezar."

" Continue looking after them both, I have a feeling that wherever they are they are together and do we have people watching his most frequented places, his home and wives?"

" Yes and so far we have not seen anything out of the ordinary. He has also made no attempt to contact his usual contacts."

" He's either keeping a low profile till things die down or Clement has him locked up somewhere and my bet is on the latter. Thanks for the information. The chef has prepared breakfast you can go, I need to make a call."

The phone call took about an hour and as soon as I was done I headed into the dining room where my family sat eating. After almost losing my life it was so fulfilling to have moments like this with them.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora