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' I bet my mom is going to scream first.'

He whispered into my ear.

' Your mom is older than my mom and it might take her a few seconds to understand so my mom will scream first.'

We had this bet going on since we came up with the idea to tell them this way and to both our surprise, our dad's were the first to scream then followed by everybody else. I removed the skirt for my big reveal as everyone cheered.

' Oh my god! Congratulations son.'

My dad shook his hand while his father walked up to me and surprisingly pulled me into a hug. The king and I had never really said much to each other expect greet,if we saw each other and that was a rare thing. So him hugging me and crying in my shoulder right now shocked me. By the time the whole family was done congratulating us my feet felt like lead and I needed to pee. So I ran into the nearest bathroom while he chatted to the his brothers.

' You good?'

' Yeah I am fine now.'

' Sit, I'll continue.'

We had placed the same deserts where we were seated as not to cause suspicion but I noticed mine was marked too. I had to open it and what I read brought tears to my eyes.

"You're beautiful, you're wonderful
Incredible, I love you so much my wife."

' awww...'

The females around the table exclaimed when he mouthed he loved me from the mini makeshift stage he stood on.

' Why are there two cupcakes here?'

Mekhi startled us from our little moment. His mother hit the back of his head while Mikhail scolded him. Which was something he was always doing as he could be inappropriate.

' You all can open your dishes since this clown decided to open his. Now to know what we're having, the doctor and the royal family baker filled the cupcakes with either pink or blue cream. My wife and I don't know what we're having but I bet her boys. So pray that I win this bet.'

Everyone laughed and Mekhi raised his hand. I'm sure to say something stupid but Mike acknowledged him regardless.

' You said boys?'

' We're having twins, hence the two cu-'

Joyful noise erupted before he could even finish his sentence. Now Keija had a real surprised look on her face. His brothers and my brothers bowed to him like he did this on his own before dabbing him up.

' Men! So why didn't you tell me two bone headed beans were growing in you?'

' I wanted you to be genuinely surprised and I succeeded. Now let's get to cake cutting before Mekhi ruins tonight.'

Mikhail joined me after Keija moved and he did the countdown to the cutting. I felt his feet dancing when blue cream oozed out of the first cupcake.

' Yes!'

' There's one more, don't count your _ shaissa!'

' I'm having nephews!! Hee hee!!'

Mekhi screamed and jumped out of his chair. Mikhail couldn't stop laughing at his brother's goofiness. My boys were officially the first royal grandchildren and everybody was excited for them, thankfully.

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