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My trip was supposed to last only two weeks but because of protest actions by the Halding citizens against some of the leaders present in this summit, it had to be prosponed twice. Then it had to begin later than initially planned now I was here for one more week than planned. This was a wrong time for us to be separated, with the rumors and scandals already being spread about our relationship, the women who were trying to ruin my marriage plus the threats I was receiving. All I wanted was to be home with my wife and children.

" Did you hear what I said sir?"

Sorry Brian I just want to go home to my wife but what were you saying?"

" I was saying that I just got a message from Greg and they managed to safely escort Ebenezer back to his country and the men who were sending you threats were also captured trying to hijack the cars he was being transported in."

" Are they all in custody? Was any of our men hurt?"

" No sir, his men were captured before they could do much damage then they were all extradited to their country today."

" That's good news... I just wish I could go home."

" Yeah I'm missing my wife too and I've only been here a week."

Brian was left behind when I left, to attend to security issues after we received the first threat.

" You know when one falls for someone he never thinks that it will be this way, that in just a minute of being away from them you'll miss them like an amputated limb while at the same time sometimes you'll be so mad at them that you'll wish them away or find yourself behaving in a manner they would."

" Yeah that's what happens when you love someone. Love from a good woman changes a man for the better I believe."

" Maybe it's because you want to be better for them.-"

A knock on the hotel door interrupted us and since we were not expecting anyone he signaled for me to hide as he pulled out his gun. One could never be too careful.

" Can I help you?"

" You can call Mikhail."

I walked back into the room just as he was about to say I was not in and found Poppy outside the door, I cannot with this woman!, while Brian's body blocked her way.

" Mikey please tell your puppet to let me in?"

" What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?"

" Don't flatter yourself, I just happened to be in Halding and came to say hi, now move!"

" You're not welcome in here. I thought you understood that the last time?. Brian attend to that I need to call my wife."

She stepped back as Brian moved forward and shut the door. He knew not to exert force, hence I could hear her screaming at me from the other side of the door while I waited for my FaceTime call to connect. My wife appeared on the screen with our babies on each side of her.

" Hey beautiful."

" Hey handso_ what's that noise?"

" Poppy?"

Her eyebrows furrowed as she tilted her head to the side as if she did not hear me clearly.

" What's doing there?"

" I don't know.."

I said shrugging my shoulders.

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