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' Who is it Princess?'

'Dada! Dada!'

My daughter screamed repeatedly and ran to the front door with excitement as she heard the sound of her father's car drive up the driveway. She stood by the door calling for me to open the door for her. This was our daily ritual when her father came home early and she would rush me to open the door as soon as she heard his car. Before she could walk I'd open the door with her in my arms and wait on him to get out of his car but as soon as she started walking she always wanted to run to him.

' I'm coming.'

So I would wait till the car had stopped and he was out the car. A few months back the boys had opened the door prematurely and she had run towards the moving car. Luckily he had seen her run out after the boys and quickly ordered his driver to stop. That caused one of our biggest arguments regarding the kids safety.

' Dada!'

That was also her first word, to say I was jealous is an understatement and the worst part of it all was that I had a child that looked like his mother and sister. After screaming and pushing in pain for hours only to clone his family. I opened the door as soon as I heard the car door slam and she Usain bolted out the house towards his open arms. The boys followed soon after fist bumping him and the tales of how all three of them spent their day begun. I found it amazing how he could give each child his full attention at the same time. While I on the other hand had to talk to each individually.

' Hey baby.'

He tried to follow up his greeting with a kiss but once again she pushed my face away with a stern No!, because of her I no longer got my hello kisses after work. This started when she was a few months old, where she would cry when we kissed and we thought she would have stopped by now.

' I'm officially sharing my husband with a two year old.'

' You didn't think you'd be the only woman in my heart for long babe.'

' That was the plan. Nice to see you home early today.'

' Please don't start.'

' Go shower, dinner will be ready when you're done and there's something I'd like to discuss with you.'

' What's it about?'

' After dinner.'

After dinner he tucked the kids in bed before joining me infront of the television. Finally I was able to get a proper kiss which turned into making out. With our busy royal lives and raising three kids, our love making had become a schedule. Either he came home tired or late and I was too mad to have sex but today was one of the few days he came home before dark.

' I thought you wanted to talk.'

' Later.'

It had been a few days and I needed him to love on me. What I needed to talk him about could wait, it was not as important as getting my needs met.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن