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' Dad?'

' Yes princess?'

I smiled. Even though I was a grown woman and the queen of a substantially large kingdom. One of the youngest most powerful queens of my generation and not to mention of the third richest kingdom, he still treated me like his little girl. Even after all the fights we've had. I wanted this for my babies. He still was protective of his little girl and even though he had agreed to giving Mikhail my hand in marriage, he made sure to let me know that if anything happened between us, I was always welcome back home.

' Why did you agree to Mikhail marrying me?'

My father turned the volume down on the television and averted his attention from the news to me.

' You and your mother were nagging me. I'm kidding but he was persistent and I saw the love he had for you in his eyes and when he talked about you, when I finally decided to listen. Though part of me knows that he will love and treat you right. The father in me did not want my little girl being with an old man but you mother made me realise that if I don't freely give my blessing, you will eventually find your way to marry the guy. I did not agree with your relationship but your mother deserved to see her daughter's walk down the isle with their father. Now why were you asking?'

' Beca is pregnant.'

I quickly blurted out. The outburst came from the person I did not expect to burst and the only person we all (my sisters and I) did not expect to have an issue with Beca's pregnancy.


' She's pregnant mom.'

I hesitated feeling like I was the one being attacked. Don't shoot the messenger.

' Are you fucking kidding me! This is the reason she wanted to leave home so she can spread her....'

She continued with her rant on while my father shook his head and went back to watching the news. I could not wait to see Beca and tell her about our father's nonchalant reaction while our mother was the one to blow her fuse. I quickly headed out after saying my goodbyes to avoid being cussed at any further.

' So how did he take it?'


' Is he going to disown me?'


My sister's asked as soon as I stepped into the orphanage we were currently donating money and manual labour. As a child who was loved and still had both her parents, I felt the need to support such causes. Unfortunately or fortunately my sisters and Keija were dragged along to such events.

' I think mom is the one who will disown you and weirdly enough dad did not react.'

' That's worse Bai. Dad not flipping is a bad sign.'

' How so?'

Keija asked but before we could answer a camera crew walked up to us and started an impromptu interview. I hated when this happens. Coming here is my way of hiding from them but I can never shake them off, perks of being a reigning queen.

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