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' I'm serious, you better fix your face. This is an important event.'

My wife scolded me like I was one of the boys after I kept sighing the whole way to our destination. I did not want to be here and she knew it. These type of events irritated me because it was filled with snobbish rich people.

' I'd really rather be home with you and the boys right now. I don't get why we should have stupid dinners with these self righteous people who don't care about anybody but themselves.'

' That's the reason you should be here. To persuade them to open their hearts and pockets to improving the country.'

I hated that she was right. So I sat up straight as she fixed my tie before we climbed out of the car and into those gossip hungry journalist's cameras blinding us. I tilted my face to the side when I noticed her talking, the cameras shutters were too loud to hear her.

' Smile. If you behave I will do that thing you like tonight.'

' Now I really don't want to be here.'

That for sure had me smiling. I just had to kiss her infront of the whole world as she had my whole being excited. This made the journalists go crazy as their cameras flashed like lightning with everyone trying to get a picture of the royals intimate moment.

' Your highness! Your highness! We'd like to have a few questions with you.'

I hated interviews so I made sure to choose one who looked reputable since we had to give an interview regarding the charity event and after answering a few questions, I joined my wife who was also being bombarded by reporters. The charity ball was being held at the royal hall courtesy of my parents who greeted us as soon as we walked in.

' You know my parents seem to be much closer since my dad resigned and I've noticed how affectionate he is with mom lately.'

' I think you influenced his behaviour. Eversince the news of us dating cane out, you haven't been able to keep your eyes or hands off of me in public.'

' Who wouldn't. Have you met yours-'

' Mikhail, how nice to see you again.'

This is the reason I hate such events, I'm definitely not getting none after this. Baina scrunched up her nose at Beth who held her hand out for me to kiss it, I guessed from how she held it. She pushed my hand back when I attempted to shake it, just not to be rude. They were friends afterall or atleast I thought.

' What do you mean again?'

She asked standing inbetween us with her arms folded under her breasts and her back to me. I did not want die so I stood quietly behind her.

' Oh nothing like that. Just the last time I saw him was the night he got inaugurated. We actually danced together at his friends club.'

She said it like it was something more than an innocent dance. Baina was visibly mad.

" Danced together?"

" Yeah he's a great dancer."

" It was an innocent dance."

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