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" Isn't it funny how you tried to keep me away from the king for him only to find somebody younger and whiter."

Beth's slick mouth was the last thing I needed while dealing with separation anxiety. Mikhail had been gone for two weeks now, coupled with that he had almost no free time to call everyday I was dealing with separation anxiety, I missed him like hell.

" You still don't understand the concept of minding your own damn business."

" If you are unaware when the royal families business lands on the gossip media's front it becomes my business as it is everyone else's."

" You know I don't understand how I became friends with you but if you'll excuse I have a family to get home to-"

" What family?, everyone knows the king moved out about a week ago and not even you know of his whereabouts. I'm guessing he got tired of your- holier- than- thou attitude."

Due to suspicion that the fire was deliberately started and also threats from the samael group because of the capture of Ebenezer, Mikhail had not made it known that he was out of the country.

" You're so concerned about my marriage, you really have nothing to do than keep up with our lives?. What a pity. You should come to the company I'm sure I have an opening somewhere."

" You mean your cheating husband's company. If I were you I would quit while he still hasn't kicked me out-"

A week after he left Malik, since they were more the same in built, pretended to be him and left wth a bag as if he was moving out. This was done because the media had been hanging around the house for weeks now and instead of them decreasing they increased daily. There was a lot of speculation of where he had gone to and they eventually concluded that he moved out to be with his rumored mistress Kendall.

" Well you're an except of being kicked out and people walking out, I meant disowning you. How's it going without daddy's money?"

" I don't need my father's money to-"

" Oh I forget that you use old married men to support your rich lifestyle but didn't your recent sugar daddy cut you off because his wife found out about his affair. She left you homeless and destitute."

" You should learn not to listen to hearsay."

" You should learn to listen to your own advice."

" You know I thought that after everything that has happened to you, you'd stop acting like you're better than-"

" I know that I am better than you and you know that too. Hence you hate me and wish you could be me but no matter how many rich men you sleep with you'll never ever be me. Now my children are waiting for me at home, excuse me."

The guard quickly stepped infront of me when she tried to grab me. Thank heavens Mikhail had thought to assign personal bodyguards before he left because I had not noticed her quick movements.

" Ma'am it would be in your best interest not to put your hands on the queen today or in future."

Kong, my bodyguard warned.

" Who are you to tell me what I can or can't do?! It's a free country!"

" I know it's my country afterall."

WANT TO LOVE YOU. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें