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The cries of the boys startled me from my sleep in the early hours of the morning. I swear it was just thirty minutes ago when I woke up to breastfeed them. We have been home for a week and I have had not proper sleep since then. My mom told me that I would not sleep much but I didn't think it would be this bad. I was grateful that I had a natural delivery because I don't think I would be handling motherhood while being a patient myself.

' I'll go check on them, go back to sleep.'

Mikhail has been a great help since the day of the birth, holding my hand through it all. Though I cussed him out a few times in that delivery room. I hated that he had to go back to work today. Our mother's will come and help  with the twins during the day.

' They needed their diapers changed. They went back to sleep soon after, you need to sleep too.'

' What time is it?'

' Half past one.'

He got under the covers after checking the time and pulled me into him. I loved being on and under this man so much and being that it is mostly what I've been doing since the birth of the twins, I was going to miss these moments. His hand slowly rubbing my booty put me to sleep instantly. Only for me to wake up two hours later to breastfeed. Be a mother they said, it would be fun they said.

' I thought you left, what are you doing here?'

I was surprised to find Mikhail standing over the boys crib. They had separate cribs but they would not sleep alone so we opted in putting them in one crib but alternated them between the two everyday. For no valid reason.

' I came in to say goodbye to them and found them sleeping like this. They're so small and precious, how do I just leave?'

Isn't he just so amazing.

' Unfortunately you have a country to run and an obligation to your people. You must go."

' There's nothing really major happening. I could just tell Malik to call me if he needs me. One day won't end the world right?.'

Before I could even reply to that he was already calling his brother and one day turned into three days. As much as I loved having him home. I could not let him neglect his duties and have the country call me an unfit queen.

' The elders were really understanding even though they don't believe in paternity leave. Don't anger them.'

' I don't give a damn about them. I make the decisions not them. Their job is to advice and previous kings gave them too much power and had them thinking they run things. I'm taking that power back.'

' You still need them though when it comes to certain issues.'

' Can we not talk about them and when Malik needs me, I will go.'

Being that I did not want to cause an argument I kept my mouth shut but I knew this would cause trouble.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant