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The first thing that caught my eye as she walked into my office, well Mikhail's office at the company headquarters, was the red lipstick coating her lips, I had a sense of deja vu.  Two weeks had passed since the day I found that lipstick stain and I always felt that the stain was put there deliberately even though I did not know who was the culprit till now. Which I eventually never asked Mikhail about since my home was very loving and peaceful and I did not want to disturb that. Watching her walk up to me I noticed she dressed well and had a great body even though the length of her skirt was a bit too revealing.

" Misses Mansa?."

She looked surprise to find me behind the bosses chair.

" Sorry to come in here without an appointment but when I heard the boss was in, I thought they meant Mikh_.."

She quickly corrected herself but I had my eyebrows raised at that she was calling my husband by his first name. Something told me it was no mistake but I let her continue.

"...I mean mister Mansa so I decided to bring the files he had asked me to bring."

" You can put them there, I'll go through them when I am done with my work."

" No disrespect but these are confidential company files that only mister Mansa and I are authorized to look at."

" Well ..."

I said waiting for her to introduce herself and in that moment I realized that this was my first time seeing this woman. As many people as we had working here, I knew everyone here. She must have been hired while I was home and as usual Mikhail did not inform me.

" I am Kendall _ his accountant."

" Well Kendall as his wife_"

I put emphasis on his as she did. She was not about to claim my husband or intimidate me because of a crush she had on Mikhail.

" I have enough authority to go through these files just like I have the authority to hire and fire who ever I deem incompetent in my husband's company."

" I  am sorry but being his wife does not give you the authority to do as you please."

She is brave.

" Young lady as the chief executive officer-"

" Chief exec_ that's not possible, since when?!. I _ we were not informed of this."

What did Mikhail give this girl that makes her think that she can question me. I was trying to keep calm considering where we were but she was really testing me.

" My husband and I do not answer to you or anybody here and if you would have been present at the company meeting a week ago you would have known."

" I was not aware of-."

" Not my problem now as I was saying_ as c.e.o of this here company I suggest you learn how to appropriately address your superior before action is taken against you. Again leave those files here."

Before she walked out I recalled the earring. I had a strong feeling it was hers. Mikhail had kept it in the desk drawer.

" oh Kendie I picked this up, I am guessing it belongs to you?."

" Thanks_ it must have came off when we kissed. Here's his cufflink."

Do not give her the satisfaction Baina!

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