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Eight hours later our beautiful baby girl was born. Healthy and strong. The more kids you have the more you realise how uniquely different each child and birth is. For example none of her previous pregnancies lasted more than five hours and she never needed stitches or had stretch marksexcept this one but she just became more beautiful to me. I stayed home for three weeks just to offer my time and support to Baina but duty called and I had to return. It was hard leaving her even though she would be well taken care of by our mothers plus a number of servants at her beck and call. She would be fine but I would rather it be me attending to her needs,  call me whipped or whatever but I loved that woman.

" Your majesty_ I mean sir, miss Kendall is here to see you?"

" Why?, we don't have an appointment and the reports are not yet due."

I was thinking out loud but my assistant shrugged her shoulders in response.

" Should I let her in sir?"

" Sure let her in."

After our almost kiss I did not want anything to do with her without proper prior arrangements and I planned to tell her this but she walked in and pushed my chair back sitting on my lap while I was still shocked at her behavior.

" Kendall what the hell are you doing?"

" You left in a hurry four weeks after our kiss and I just missed you so much."

What in the heavesn was going on right now and if anyone walked in what would they think.

" First get off of me and don't you ever forget who I am or what you are here. That almost kiss we had was a mistake, a moment of weakness."

" How can you say that we shared a moment and it was a real kiss because our lips touched even if it was for a second. It was meant to happen-"

" Look Kendall I am sorry of I led you on but I am a loyal married man and what happened was wrong-"

" I understand about your wife and as a king divorce might not be an option right now since she just gave birth but I promise we can keep it between us till-"

" Kendall I love my wife and have no plan whatsoever of cheating on her and leaving her. Like I said I'm sorry for what happened but it was a mistake that you can be sure will never happen again."

" What if I want it to happen again?"

How did I get myself in this mess with this woman. It was like she was deliberately not listening to anything I was saying.

" Miss Kendall please nothing is going to happen between us because I am a happily married men who no matter the circumstances will never have an affair with you or anyone else. So please stop touching me, it's inappropriate."

" Come on now Mikey don't be-"

" It's your higness or sir and be warned if you ever come into my office without notice again I will fire you without hesitation."

" Fine I understand I won't come over unless it's about business. So here's my number_ call me."

How can a simple peck cause such confusion.

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