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'' Argh!''

I screamed out of frustration because the dress I wanted to wear would not zip up. Four months pregnant and my stomach looked at least six months. We still had not informed our families that we were pregnant because on the night we were supposed to, he had to fly out of the country for a week long leaders forum. To say I was mad is an understatement. I had been planning that party for a month and just when I was to send invites he tells me he cannot come. I planned on telling them while I could still hide my stomach but now nothing fit and it was all his fault.

'' Can I help?''

''No! This is all your fault. You made me this way and now nothing fits. They will know as soon as they step in that I'm pregnant. If we had just had this party a month ago I wouldn't have this problem.''

'' I'm sorry.''

'' Stop saying you're sorry. Sorry isn't helping me right now.''

'' I don't know what to say because you won't accept my help or input.''

'' Just_ just get the hell out of my face Mike.''

He stood there looking at me before kissing my forehead and walking away with a shrug of his shoulders. He went into my closet where he spent a few minutes doing the Lord knows what.

'' Here I think this will hide your belly for the night.''

He had a beautiful blue dress with a high waist skirt with huge pink and purple flowers. He helped me put it on and instantly my bump disappeared as soon as I wrapped the skirt around my waist. I just had to stand upright the whole night.

'' Who gave you this?''

'' I sent Carol to buy it a few weeks ago when I heard you complaining about having nothing to wear to hide your overgrown bump for the party.''

'' Oh Mikhail this is so sweet...''

I was crying again, I felt bad. He pulled me into a hug and I wrapped my hands around his waist and sobbed on his chest.

'' Come on now, stop crying babe.I love you.''

'' I love you more.''

'' Impossible''

The doorbell rang before I could challenge him like we usually did so I kissed him and thanked him for the dress again. He held my hand and walked us downstairs were all our helpers patiently waited. All of our guests were ushered to our beautifully decorated backyard where a long dinner table was set up. We both had a considerably huge family.

'' You know how hard it is for me not to touch your belly?"

He whispered as we had lunch.

'' I know. I'm so used to touching it and I almost did while talking to my mom earlier.''

The waiters brought out desert with fortune cookies, Mike's idea, as soon as lunch was over.

'' Nobody open their desert dishes yet. We start with the cookies.''

Only the sound of plastic being torn could be heard as everyone silently tore apart the packaging. We had made sure to mark the cookies so no one would get the wrong one.

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