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' Mister big shot army general, I've released a lot of hostages than you asked for. Now it's my time. Bring me my vice president since this fat bastard has passed out. How do they even let fat idiots like him and emotional creatures like your president run countries? That's why this planet is going to shits. Now do as I say before I execute one of these useless bastards. Maybe the king of Tayri....'

Why is it when a tragic event happens your whole life flashes infront of your eyes like a lifetime movie. All I could think about as he babbled on was how my family was doing. If Brian was okay and how many protesters were hurt in the blast. The headache and pain in my leg was still present but I was desperately trying to block it out together with the blackouts. I needed to stay conscious.

' Don't you dare blackout on me Mansa.'

' That's what I'm trying to do Clementine but I don't think your first aid is working anymore.'

I was referring to the bandages she had wrapped around my head. The leader of the samael had given her a first aid kit to stop the bleeding till he was done with us. What he wanted from the both of us was quite unclear.

' For both your sakes I hope your general doesn't do anything stupid Clementine. How is your dear sexy wife by the way?'

I shook my head when she began cussing and threatening him after she told me to not get riled up by his empty threats. It's not that easy when the shoe is on the other foot.

' What do you want with us?'

' I thought we've already been through that dictator Mikhail. I'm going to kill you and go after your wives. You know they're ranked in the top ten most beautiful women?'

' No I don't pay attention to such things but I would like to know why you call me a dictator.'

' Every king to me is a dictator. Have you ever asked yourself why your family owns Tayri? How you came to acquire one of the biggest islands or countries or continents _ what the hell do you run?'

' It's just an island. The biggest on this planet.'

' Then it's a country.'

' No it's completely surrounded by oceans -'

' Then it's a contin-'


Clementine startled us by her outburst but fear replaced my shock when he turned to her with his handgun pointed directly at her injured leg.

' This is why we cannot give woman power, they become disrespectful and forget the only reason they were made was for men. Now miss president dyke I will teach you that a man is respected. When I'm done with you ,you will bow to my kind. You four watch them!'

' Samael brother, think about what you're about to do....'

I said when he grabbed her by the collar of her shirt. He was going to hurt her and scar her for life and the fear in her eyes told me so.

' ... if you do anything to her, the vice president and his police will descend on us. Then you won't get what you did all this for.'

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