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" Thank you. I owe you one."

Clementine thanked me after he let go of her but not before slapping her a few times. He did not do much damage except bruise her cheeks, nothing that a little ice won't heal.

" No need to, I haven't done anything we're still stuck with this idiot and he seems to be losing his patience. Do you know what your general's plan might be?"

" To be honest with you, I don't. They gave me the emergency manual of the country. It has a chapter on what to do in such a situation but that book is thicker than a bible and boring. I think I only read five pages, now I regret that shit."

I could not help but laugh because I know what she meant, I read ours when I was younger and later my father had it modified because he did not have the patience to read it. The samael leader quickly ran up to me when he heard me laughing and grabbed me by my collar while pointing his gun up my nose.

" What the hell is funny?"

He was aggressive but right now I was not afraid because I felt that if he wanted us dead, he would have done it by now.

" I was just telling her about the first time I tried to change my son's diaper."

" This is why I don't like you. What kind of a man changes a child's nappy. That's a woman's job."

He said now looking at Clementine, I could sense he hated her more than me and I wondered why this was. I could use this to stall him. Hopefully somebody is doing something about getting us out of here.

" So you believe only men should run countries?"

" Yes. Women were made to serve men. I hate you but I love kingdoms because you know the next inline is automatically a man. Not this democratic republic shit, where they gave women the right to vote now anybody can run a country."

" Is that why you hate president Clementine-"

" Yes! Plus she's a fucking dyke, how can they let such a person run a country?."

" You have to admit though she has done well in the past three years in improving-"

" I don't care about that. All I want is the both of you and the rest of this idiots here to keep their noses out of my country's business. "

" So we should let you take over the government, rape women and exploit the country's minerals?"

" What am I doing that your country and other's have not done to my country?. Unlike this fat blob over here I'll use it for the betterment of my country. Create jobs for the men so they can better take care of their families and women can stay home like they're supposed to."

He glared at Clementine as he said this. He was not wrong for wanting to better his country but he was going about it the wrong way. We were suddenly surrounded by men in gear before we could continue with our conversation. It was so sudden he could not react.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz