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When your mother summons you as a black child, just know that you have officially fucked up. That was what I knew when I stepped into the main castle after getting a call from my wife that the queen had summoned my presence at the main castle. It came as a surprise since she did not summon me on the day Baina told her about my transgression but waited four days later. My father had already reprimanded me for it and I knew her turn was coming but I was still scared as hell. When I got to the main palace I found her in her sanctuary or worn cave having tea. In my family my mother was always the disciplinarian since my dad was always away dealing with leadership issues and when he was home all he wanted was to enjoy his time with his family. Not to deal with family conflict so we were always on our good behaviour when he was home.

" Sit."

When my mothr says sit you sit even when you do not want to.

" Mom I know-"

" You know what? How much hurt and embarrassment you are causing your wife? Mikhail I raised you better  than this? What in the hell possessed you to do something so disrespectful and worse part with a young employee?"

" Mom I was not thinking clearly."

" Clearly you weren't because you would have had the foresight of how this was going to hurt your wife when she found out or you thought she would never find out?"

" Yes I hoped she never found out not to save myself but to prevent her from getting hurt."

" If you did not want her getting hurt you should have not kissed this girl in the first place."

" No disrespect mother but I know that now and I deeply regret it."

" Do you remember when you came to me asking me to talk to her parents and annoying me about how much you love this girl and how you would give her the world if you could?"

I did and when she finally agreed to do it, I was ecstatic just as I was when she said yes to my proposal. My world was finally complete and I almost lost it.

" Yes mother."

" Don't be like your brothers or father, you're so much better that."

I had forgotten about what my father did and how devastating it was for her to find out. Hence she was so supportive of Baina.

" To think I promised myself that I would never cheat on my wife when we found out about dad cheating. Seeing her hurt when she found out reminded me of when you found out."

" Well that's in the past although he's still making up for that._ What are you planning on doing about this woman and today's headline?"

" I was just thinking of firing her-"

" You know that will cause further scandal and the media will speculate further and they will believe that you fired her because you really were having an affair with her and how did the press get to know about this Kendall?"

" I don't know, Brian is still looking into it."

" Ask him to look into this girl to find something that we can use against her to make this go away and soon ."

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