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As much as I hated violence when Brian brought back Ebenezer I had to get payback. Payback for the pain I went through, the therapy I went through and the trauma my family and I went through. Hence I was currently at a holding cell at our local police station practice my muay Thaion his body. It had been years since I trained or participated in the sport. At first I was a bit rusty and he managed to get in a few punches which needed to heal before I got home but I soon got into it.  I let out all my frustrations on him until Brian stopped me.

" You don't want to be charged with murder now sir."

He said helping me remove the bandages covering my hands before handing me my suit to change into. For eight weeks now all I have been doing is solving the country's issues. I have had to fire incompetent incompetent precinct leaders in every incompetent department in all the regions. People had too many complaints and I made it my priority to first investigate  then take action. We were trying to grow our economy and with that I needed hardworkers who were for the people.

" Mikhail what are y- what happened to your face?"

She exclaimed grabbing onto my already painful cheeks.

" Moth-"

"Don't tell me you're back to practicing that stupid martial arts nonsense_ "

" Mo-"

" I thought marriage would change you. Why can't you just let the Asians do their thing-"

" Mom! Please let go. I am already late for a meeting..."

This is why I hated being back at the main castle offices because she fussed a lot and sometimes acted like I did not have a wife. Like I was still her young boy. I did not wait for her to scold me for talking to her like that but I could feel the death stare as I hurried out to the car.

" Sir the was a fire at the Glorby oil rig. Luckily it was quickly contained and not much damage was done and no lives were lost."

" Was anyone hurt?"

"The supervisor with an employee suffered third degree burns to a quarter of their body. They are currently at the hospital being treated for their wounds."

" Okay book me a flight to for nine tonight."

I instructed my assitant who sat with me and Brian during this conference call. Which I received as soon as I got back from my meeting which also needed me to attend to another summit overseas two days from now.

" Baina is going to kill me. It's bad enough that I have been coming home late and leaving early for eight weeks, I haven't seen much of them and now I have to fly out for two more weeks."

" Your wife is a reasonable woman sir who understands that you are a leader-"

" You know that there's only so much a woman can take."

After the flight was booked and details for the next trip finalized I decided to head home early and as soon as I walked in she jumped onto me. Guess I'll talk to her later.

" I'm really sorry."

I apologized for the umpteenth time as we lay arm in arm naked in bed. It hurt to see her so sad over this.

WANT TO LOVE YOU. Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora