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We lay silently side by side by the lake, facing each other on a blanket he kept in his car for some reason. The stars and full moon being our only light source. Today marked a year since we had been dating and I was in my second year of law school. My parents were still trying to break us apart and I had to lie just to meet him for our anniversary date. Unfortunately I had to rope in my little sister too as Becca had moved out immediately after the inauguration. My dad was dead against it but she already had her apartment and moved out when my dad was not around. Hence we were forbidden from visiting her but Bia and I never listened. We were not about to abandon her because my dad believed a girl child should leave home because of marriage.

'' You're so beautiful.''

'' I never get tired of hearing you say that.''

He leaned in and kissed me as soon as our lips touched. Even though I really had no one to compare him to, his kisses were the best. Ever since our first full on tongue kiss four month's ago, his kisses are what I missed the most. We had our first proper kiss on the day I ran out of my parents house after his inauguration when I initiated it because he was just taking too long. Not that we never kissed before but it never involved tongue. Which Keija thought was weird but he later explained that he did not want to scare me or make me think he wanted sex. I guess that was partly my fault for believing what everyone was saying around me.

'' I thought you never tire of hearing me say I love you?''

'' Both. It's always great to know that the man you love thinks you're beautiful and he loves you back.''

'' I don't want you to seek validation from other people in order to feel good about yourself. Always know that you're beautiful and worthy no matter what anyone says.''

With his hand behind my ear he pulled me in for another kiss. I loved his soft lips, must be from all that licking he does. I thought as I pushed him back by his shoulders and got on top of him with our lips still attached. As Beth had advised me when I asked them about sex and how to initiate it. Keija said not to do anything because he wanted to. He groaned when I began grinding on him like Beth had told me. His hands went lower but stopped at my waist as I felt his lower half poking at my lower half. In this position we were waist to waist but after his second groan he removed me off of him.

'' Baina, sorry but we need to stop.''

'' Why?''

'' We're out in the open.''

'' That's part of the thrill.'

I leaned in to kiss him but he quickly moved away.

'' This is not how you want to lose your virginity.''

'' I'm ready and this is special enough.''

'' Well I'm not.''

He stood to fix himself.

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