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'' I was thinking the egg hunt could be behind the church since there's more hiding spots and it's filled with enough shade to _ ''

''I heard you think I'm handsome-''

He's been doing this since we started, cutting me off. We were on the second day of our task and I have never blushed so much.

'' Who told you?''

'' I'd have to kill you but I think you're very beautiful too.''

'' Thank you bu-''

''Can I take you out someday?''


'' Just call me Mike.''

That damn smile, if it was anybody else I would have bit his head off for cutting me off like that. I swear lip biting and licking was like breathing to him.

''I'd love to go out with you but only if we can make this event successful.''

'' Your wish is my command.''

We actually spent the whole week working on the Easter church celebrations. Though he never stopped flirting. For someone who always looks so serious he can be such a flirt, not that I minded.

'' I think we should involve the kids in the egg painting and then the other's can help us hide the eggs Sunday after church.''

''That's a great idea. You're still buying the eggs right?''

''Been there, done that and even boiled the eggs.''

''What do we do with boiled eggs? Will the kids eat them?''

''Babe that's for me to know and for you to find out on Monday.''

I felt goose bumps on my skin when he said babe and I smiled looking away. He turned my face to look at him and I almost melted when I noticed he had his lower lip tucked under his upper beautiful white teeth.

''You don't have to be shy with me. I love your hair by the way.''

''Thank you and thank you for not asking if it really is all my hair.''

'' Is it?''

He giggled when I hit him with the journal I scribbled in.

''I'm kidding. Anyone with vision can see that that's your natural hair especially since you have this huge afro.''

'' When have you seen me in an afro?''

'' I have, twice. The first time I saw you with your brothers about two years ago at one of our huge new years eve parties.''

''Wait those happen at night, how did you see me in the dark out of all those people? Are you stalking me?''

'' Would that be a bad thing but no. Your afro was really not hard to miss and there was just something about you that attracted me to you that night. Maybe it was the fact that I was seeing you for the first time or your beauty but I took note.''

Knowing he had noticed me before this week gave me a warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach, butterflies. Only my closest friends and my family knew that I had never before been attracted to a guy or anyone for that matter. I was seventeen and still thought dating was just disgusting but he made feel different about it. Spending time with him this week made me ache to always be in his presence.

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