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She smiled when I cornered her on the steps leading upstairs to the bedrooms. After the little stunt she pulled before falling asleep on me last night, I had a throbbing hard on and she refused to help me out when Malik eventually left because she said it was late and it was my fault for letting him stay that long. So now I was on a path of revenge, she was going to get hers. Blue balls ain't not laughing matter.

' You've been avoiding me today.'

' Mike I'm not avoiding you! I'm trying to get everything for the party ready before the planner gets here. Now move.'

' No, I'm not moving until you apologise to me the right way.'

' I'm sorry -'

' No. You know how to apologize after that little stunt you pulled.'

' I'm not doing that right now.'

I was about to suggest us going into our bedroom but the front doorbell rang before I could.

' Saved by the bell.'

She smiled mischeviously.

' Please get it. I have to get the decorations and balloons.'

' This is not over.'

I said to her back as she quickly ran past me after. She did not reply even though I knew she heard me but I wasn't worried, we sleep in the same bed after all.

' What the hell are you doing here?!'

The last person I expected to see in my family home stood on my doorstep. My already bad mood turned sour as I wondered how security let her in.

' Hello to you too your Majesty, is the queen in?'

' Why? What are you up to Poppy?'

' Why would I be up to anything?'

' I swear if you do anything to come inbetween my wife-'

' Don't flatter yourself, the world doesn't revolve around you. I'm her party planner.'

What the hell?!

' You've never planned a damn thing in your life!'

' You don't know everything about me your majesty. Now if you'd let me in, I have a party to set up.'

' You're no-'

' Oh Poppy thank heavens you've arrived. We've got so much work before the kids get here.'

Baina said appearing from upstairs. I moved our of the way to let her in but stopped my wife from following after her.

' Can I talk to you for a second?'

' Okay. Everything is in the back. I've already set up her table, you can continue with the rest. I'll be with you in a minute.'

She said to Poppy before following me into the kitchen.

' Where did you find her?'

' I told you babe. I bumped into at the mall. We talked and set up a meeting for her to show me her work. Remember?, I showed to you too and you said I should hire her.'

' I didn't know she was planner-'

' Why? What's wrong with her? Do you know her?'

What do I say to this? Though this was not the appropriate time I had to tell her about our past and the fact that she not so long ago kissed me and I kissed back.

' Well I-'

' Sorry to interrupt but I need your assistance Bai.'

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