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It was time to leave my hometown and I was not looking forward to it because these past few weeks with him have been the highlight of me being home. Even though I was grounded for the remainder of that time but we made it work. I was still hurt by both my parents and was not really speaking to them. Especially my dad. Mikhail on the other hand kept advising me to forgive and see where they were coming from. He still wanted to meet with my dad again which I keep telling him not to do but he wants to be respectful. Though I do not think it matters now that we practically are in a relationship.

'' Honey?''

My mother's sudden appearance at my bedroom door startled me and I quickly tried to hide Mikhail's grandmother's necklace, that he had given me as a farewell gift. Knowing that they would make me take it back. Which was the reason I politely refused it at first but he insisted.

'' Are you done packing?''

'' Almost.''

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds between us as she sat on my bed watching me while I continued packing. She had the same look of sadness she had earlier this year when I left for college. It hurt to see my mother like this even though I thought she was overreacting, my older sister and younger sister were still here and I would be back.

'' Are you going to look sad every time I have to leave?''

'' Baina if I could keep you girls with me for the rest of your lives I would and your brothers too. It's not easy for a mother to watch her children grow up and move out. Though it is why we raise you to be independent and take care of yourselves. Start your own families and continue the cycle.''

'' Well how am I to do that when you and dad won't let me date!?''

'' Bai( bay), you cannot expect your father and I to agree to your relationship with a thirty year old man. He's way too old for you.''

'' What does age have to do with anything? I love him mma and he loves me too. Why can't you and dad see that-''

From sad her expression quickly turned into anger.

'' Baina no! What do you even know about love? You've never had a relationship before and suddenly you know you're inlove. It is not love, you're just infatuated with who he is.''

'' We love each other mom, why don't you both get it?.''

'' The king has like six son's, why didn't you fall for those closer to your age.''

'' You should know better than anyone that the heart wants what it wants.''

'' Honey you're every man's dream. An untouched, pure girl and that's the only reason he would want to date you. To obtain your prized possession.''

'' That's not true. He's not like that. You and dad would know that if you gave him a chance. Please mom.''

'' Baina no! I hope you will respect your father's wishes.''

Why could they not see that we loved each other?.

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