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'' Thanks guys but I am really not in the mood for the public.''

I explained to my brothers when they invited me to join them on their night out. Not being able to see or speak to Baina had me feeling real down and I could not help but wonder how she was feeling. On our last phone call I tried to be positive and strong for both of us with promises that we would see each other again but after two weeks of not seeing her, I was starting to feel like I was failing her.

'' Come on bro, I thought you love these type of things.''

'' Mekhi they are called fun fairs and yes I love them but like I said I'm not in the mood.''

When he cocked up his left eyebrow, I knew he was up to something. I thought maybe he would bribe or drag me to go but no.

'' Even if I tell you Baina will be there?''

I never expected that but how did he know?. Was he trying to trick me to go with him?

'' How do you know that?''

'' I have my sources but I know for sure she's going to be there today.''

'' How sure are you?''

'' As sure as day follows night. My girl is bringing your girl to the fair and I'm only doing this because I've never seen you like this especially after knowing a girl for only two days.''

'' You wouldn't understand but if this is a trick, I will punch you in the face.''

'' I'm a better fighter than you but I promise you she will be there.''

Though skeptical, I went ahead and got ready to go out with them. To say I was anxious was an understatement, my palms were sweaty and all I thought about was seeing her. This girl had me sprung. I noticed her afro a few feet away from where my brother parked his car. It was three of us in Malik's car. I had my motorbike tied to the back of his car to use later because I did not trust myself to drive in this state.

'' I told you, you owe me one.''

'' Whatever!''

After I got out of the car and I calmly made my way towards her, everything seemed like it moved in slow motion I swear. Especially after her younger sister pointed me to her. I could see the tears in her eyes as she ran towards me, thank God I was not the only one sprung. I thought after noticing the bright smile on her face, I did that. As a reflux I opened my arms and she ran straight into them and wrapped hers around my waist.

'' Oh my gosh, it's really you. I thought my sister's had tricked me.''

'' In the flesh babe. I did not trust Mekhi too when he said you'd be here. Does your father know that you're here though?''

'' He knows I'm here with my sisters.''

'' I see. I've missed you. I tried to call you.''

'' I know. I'm prohibited from making or receiving calls.''

'' Well let's make most of today then.''

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