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' Sir a miss Louise is here to see you?'

My assistant announced. It was unusual for a king to have an assistant. We had everything from plubicist to stylist to social media team and all that but never had an assistant but Baina made me get one as she felt I could not manage my time properly and she's been a huge helper.


I had no clue who she was talking about.

' Does she have an appointment?'

' No but she says you would appreciate her visit.'

She was about to roll her eyes and I guess remembered that she was at work and in my presence. People in my circle could be irritating.

' Fine let her in.'

Rose walked out and I began to pack my stuff. The door opened once again but I did not look up as I was texting my wife to notify her of the delay.

' Miss, I already had a prior arrangement and don't have much time so you'll have to be quick.'

' I knew you'd always look good in your full royal attire.'

Her voice made me stop and I swear everything moved in slow motion as I looked up at the very familiar woman standing infront of me. I had on my regalia as we had a royal event to attend to earlier today with the wife and did not have time to change. My mother would kill me if she saw me still in it.

' Poppy?'

' In the flesh babe, did you miss me?'

' It's been ten years.'

' Actually more than that but how I have missed you Mikey.'

She jumped onto my waist and kissed me, catching me off guard. I was in uniform and if anyone saw this, hell would break loose. What shocked me though was that I kissed back but immediately got her off me upon realisation about what I had done.

' Poppy stop. Stop! '

' What? Are you not happy to see me?'

' I am but things have changed.'

' Yeah. I see you're in the royal office being king and all but that's not like I didn't know you were next in line for the throne. Remember we talked about when I returned from my peace keeping mission we would get married and start a huge family.'

' That's when you thought you'd be gone for two years but you've been gone for more than a decade.'

' So?'

' So?. I'm married now with kids and -'

' You're what!'

' I said I'm ma-'

' Yeah I heard you neguh! but why?'

This question was a bit confusing to me, why would anyone get married.

' I mean you promised to wait for me. You said you loved me. Gave me a promise ring! Said that I was the woman you wanted to marry.'

' That was then Poppy and I really thought that you were the one but _ but then I met Baina. Without a doubt I knew she was the one I wanted to spend my life with.'

' What about me Mikhail? You just said fuck us!?'

' No.'

How does this woman expect to just continue from where we left off after being away for so long.

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