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' How is that beautiful wife of yours king?'

' You keep my wife out of your filthy mouth-'

' Aww. Did I strike a nerve Mikhail. Do you think she would go for a guy like me, after I kill you obviously-'

' I swear samael if you even go near my wife, I will kill you!'

It frustrated me that I was currently handicapped and could do nothing to this man. Who was Aclen's infamous terrorist organization leader. Who was against the notion that women were equal and the lgbtqi+ community deserved rights. He was against progress in general and outright racist. I always heard from the media that he had a thing for my wife. I never took that seriously till today.

' How?, when you will be dead and she lonely?! Anyway I think she will love me, I see she has a thing for evil broken men like us and I'm naturally fair skinned so she will definitely take to me.'

' Mikhail save your energy he's just messing with you.'

I knew that but that still did not stop his words from affecting me. I had to stall him while somebody figured out how to get us out of here but I didn't know how.

' You're not allowed in almost every country on this planet, how did you get into Cleisia?'

' Wouldn't you and your little girlfriend like to know. Well miss Clementine not everybody who works for you agrees on your leadership. You know I never understood how a woman could run a country as big and beautiful as Cleisia....'

He went on and on about how he missed the olden days when women were barefoot, pregnant in the kitchen and how all his five wives knew their place. This also made me understand how, no matter how many times Aclen looked for him they could never find him. The authorities would be notified of his whereabouts but missed him all the time.

' Yeah because you torture and rape them.'

' I don't do anything they don't want me to do, your dictatorship. Women were brought on this earth to please us. While your kind_ '

He said referring to black people.

' Your kind was made to serve us, though I must say your women have the best pus-'

' Big brother the army general would like to communicate with you.'

He smirked when one of his brothers, as they referred to each other, interrupted him with a portable phone in his hand.

' They took our phones when you were out.'

Clementine informed me when she saw me going through my pockets. Earning a deep sigh from me. I wanted to atleast try text Baina to tell her I am okay because I knew my family had received the news by now but probably did not know what was happening exactly.

' I know Mikhail. I want to call my wife too. I cannot imagine what they're going through.'

' Baina is a worrier and I know she's going crazy right now. She's four months pregnant you know.'

' So is Dalia.'

I pray that our parents can keep her calm. What am I saying, she's probably freaking out right now.

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