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The skirt hiked up her thigh as she sat down on the couch opposite my desk in my office at the royal headquarters. Which was different from the main castle but two streets away from it and my home was thirty minutes from here. This caused a stir in my organs reminding me of how long it had been since Baina and I were intimate. I never found white women to be sexy but looking at Kendall made me think different.  What the hell am I even thinking!

" So this is the whole month's expenditure?"

" Yes sir _ I mean your majesty."

" No it's fine you can just address me as sir . This is too much for a month. How do we spend_ ... wait who bought the truck?"

" A truck?"

" This here _ I think I know who did. I'll have to call my brother, he's going to payback this money. I told my  father that everyone having access to the account is dangerous. Can I please see the company files?"

" First these are the files for Mansa Media...."

As she bent forward my eyes landed on her cleavage and by the way they looked I could she had never breastfed.  I was no creep but I just noticed how Baina's changed after the twins. What am I thinking, comparing my wives breasts to this woman's.

" Uhm_ Thank you."

" As you can see here the first pages are from last month's expenditure. Then the few pages is the total income."

" Is this the amount Buttered paid for the work we did?"

" Uhm.... let me__ yeah that's last month's payment. Is there something wrong?"

" Well it's two hundred thousand short, is this the only payment they made?"

" Let me check for you sir....."

By now she was already standing next to me so she bent forward and paged through the file. Once again I found myself starring at her breasts but this time from my side. I had that view for quite a few minutes before she stood up straight with two pages in her hands and a stressed look on her face.

" There's some irregularities here which I did not notice when I checked the files."

" Irregularities? What kind of irregularities?"

" There's money missing on this statement _ sir can I take back this-"

" Whatever it is I didn't do it_ oh hello beautiful."

Malik barged into my office then smiled at and greeted Kendall as she picked her files walking out. She greeted him back but paid him no mind when he undressed her with his eyes.

" Who is she?"

" The new head of the accounting department. Do you have something to tell me?"

" Wha- shit! Look the car was on sale-"

" On sale Malik! It cost  more than a million, what car is on sale for that much?! You know what don't tell me, just take it back and use your own income to buy it."

" First I cannot use my money, I'm broke-"

" You're broke? How? I mean you earn like fifty thousand monthly for basically nothing and you fully own your apartment, your mother and father cook for you everyday?"

Knowing Malik he probably spends it on women, clothes and clubs. I could not help wonder if the boys were also headed down this path since we all spoilt them.

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