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Another day but the same events and meetings. I had spent half my day going around the country attending to my queen duties. From pillar to post meeting with community leaders, ministers while doing my own charity work. I was exhausted and was not looking forward to tonight's royal event but I had to be there for my husband's sake and as the reigning queen.

' Can't we avoid tonight's event?'

I asked straddling him and placing my head in the crook of his neck as he sat on our king sized bed. This is how I wanted to spend the rest of the night.

' I wish we could but you know it's a must we show our faces or mother will come drag us out of here herself and it won't be pretty.'

' I'm so tired though.'

' Well we have three hours before the actual event so you can nap for two hours. I'll wake you up when it's time to get ready. '

' What about me being horny?'

' I thought you said you were tired?'

' I'm tired and horny. Been horny since I woke up but you weren't here.'

I pouted when he looked at me contemplating on what to do. With this pregnancy my hormones were all over the place. I was horny almost everyday. Not that I didn't love sex before, hell I'm on my fourth child but now three rounds ain't enough. It's the same thing that happens a week before my periods. At first it scared me but my obstetrician said it was normal and to enjoy it while it lasted. He did too but my unquenchable thirst had him complaining on some days.

' Just one and you'll rest.'

' Okay.'

I only agreed so he could give me what I needed and one round turned into two rounds of hardcore sex at my request because gentle was just not doing it for me. We both ended up sleeping in each other's arms and were woken up by his phone ringing an hour later.

' You can get ready in here with your sister's and Kaija. Mekhi says they're  downstairs.'

My eyes could not stop starring at the bruises he had on his body from our lovemaking both new and old. The bite mark on his neck looked so painful and I honestly could not remember when it happened but knew I did it because he told me that I tend to scratch and bite him when I climax. Which explained the painfully red scratches on his back.

' Did you hear what I said?'

' Sorry just thinking about later, where are you going to get dressed?'

' With Mekhi but I have to rush to dad right now, says he needs to discuss something with me. I'll see you later, okay.'

I mumbled an okay as he pecked my lips making me yearn for more. I loved this man and  wouldn't trade him for anything though I hated that we were the media's daily focus. Tonight would be no different because every media outlet would be there judging our every move. I wish they should just leave us alone.

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