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Maybe it was the fact that after our picnic things were a bit tense or maybe it was how Beth was rude to him when we found her and Keija at the ice cream parlor upon our return. They had come over separately. Maybe it was the fact that he could not drive me to the bus station the next day because my parents insisted on taking me or he is just done with me and that is the reason for not calling as he had promised he would.

'' That look on your face can only mean one thing, you're over thinking why he hasn't called you again.?''

'' Sorry but yes. After our picnic he promised to call atleast three times a week and he hasn't even called once. Do you think my mom was right and it was just a fling for him.''

'' I can't say babe. Men are weird creatures we'll never ever figure out but don't worry so much about it.''

Keija said as we sat in our flat after a long day of lecturers and assignments. Mikhail had promised to call me when I left home but five days had passed and no phone call. I missed him so much.

'' Although if what I witnessed on Sunday is anything to go by, that man could never be over you. He's so inlove with you. I wish Sam could look at me the way he looks at you or even give me half the attention Mikhail was giving you on Sunday.''

'' Yeah I guess you're right. Maybe he's busy with preparing for his reign.''

'' You see. Now tell me what was up with Beth Sunday?''

Beth walked in from her flat which she shared with another girl, just as she asked that question and I rolled my eyes.

'' What are we talking about?''

'' About why you were rude to Mikhail on Sunday!.''

Keija stated. Although I met Beth before her, she did not like her. She felt she was sneaky but I thought it was because her ex boyfriend cheated on her with Beth. Beth glared at her before turning to me. They were always arguing about something.

'' You cannot expect me to be nice to that freak of nature.''

'' I told you to stop calling him that!''

'' Why not, he's a freak. Have you seen how he looks?, he looks like the living dead. I don't know what you see in him. I know I date old rich man but atleast get someone who is not weird or sick.''

'' Mikhail is not weird or si-''

She dismissed me with a wave of her hand.

'' Yeah, I don't care. I actually came over to borrow your black all lace top.''

I was surprised by her actually borrowing my clothes,she usually just takes them.

'' Why do you let her borrow your clothes? You know she has rich parents, who spoil her rotten.''

'' I know that but whether I agree or not she's going to take it anyway and I'm really tired of arguing with her about it.''

'' You need to stand up for yourself. Stop letting her walk all over you Bai.''

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