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' You're being so unfair! I was not involved. I stood to the side.'

' You think where you stood you were safe. Anything could have happened at that moment. What if there was a gun involved or someone was pushed into you? Huh? You were supposed to remove yourself from that situation and walk out of the store as soon as they started fighting.'

I understood what he was saying but I would never deliberately put myself in danger or my friend and sister. We've been in fights with far stronger and able people than Beth. As a chubby and  intelligent girl growing up I had to learn to fight to protect myself. Keija had to learn too because of her shortness. We were both bully targets for being friends and being slightly different.

' I don't know how you and your family do it but I was not about to leave my sister alone during a fight.'

' Talking about Bia, she's a child and she shouldn't have to fight your battles. What if Beth decides to press charges? She'll have a damn record at a young age, do you want that for her?'

' No _ but-'

' There's no buts. I am all for you standing up for yourself but not when it puts you, your family or our kids in danger-'

' Or taints the royal name in the media.'

' I do not care about that. The real people know my family and what it stands for and a tainted name can be cleared up after some time. Losing you on the other hand, you can't be replaced. I am not mad at you because you made headlines. I'm just_I don't know, frustrated at having to meet with the elders. '

In that moment as I stood starring into his eyes, I saw he was worried and I felt guilty for making him worry.

' I am sorry.'

' I know walking around with people following your every move isn't ideal but it's for your own safety and not just from Beth but opportunistic people who would do anything for a moment of fame or to get rich quick.'

' I hear you and I promise I will keep my security with me at all times from now on.'

' That's all I want. I'll talk to them later.'

' You don't have to do that. It's my fault that they were not with us.'

' I know but they know better and should have done what they are trained to do. This shows me that they were too happy not to follow you around and I'm sorry but I cannot let that slide. You also need to find somebody to plan this party for you.'

' What?! why?'

I always planned my children's first birthday parties. I'm not the type to have birthdays at one year or two years because I feel the child is not old enough to understand what is happening. Third birthdays is when the parties start.

' You're spending too much time in public and the media is saying that you care only about spending the country's money than dealing with it's issues.'

Here I thought it wasn't about the media.

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